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    Tuesday, October 03, 2006

    Google Adsense,, and

    Nothing has happened within the last 24 hours, so this post is mainly a "look what I've found!" post.

    Ahh Google Adsense. How you dangle a carrot of "Making money from my blog" in front of me. Everybody in work seems to be making a shed load off Adsense, I'm not doing horrendously bad, it comes in spits and spurts (I think I made 5p in clicks yesterday, go me!). Nevertheless, I don't really have too much on what appears, they're usually blogs or blogging, except for when I do the odd post about North Wales or Football. However, I've generally never had any bad ads, until yesterday. No, it wasn't viagra, no it wasn't sexual. It was just....depressing.


    We're all going to die!

    In other news: I had my first Greenlight of last night! Greenlight is when you submit a thread that appears on the main site. The thread was here, and I thought it was Asnine the story (hence the Asnine tag). However, opinions is divided. What do you all think?

    If you need a good laugh today, check out's "Question of the Week", which is entitled "Inappropriate Crushes". We've all had them, fancying people we really shouldn't. Some of them are comedy gold. My inappropriate crush is in there, somewhwere. If you find it, you can share it. Share also your ones in the comment box!

    Finally, there is a young woman in Kent this morning dancing for joy as I've bought PHP and MySQL hosting! I'm thinking of using it for my (as I think I need it). Anyway, I'm thinking of starting a fourm and a topsites - esque link list. Would you join them, or am I just wasting my time?