Saturday, April 23, 2005
Done and Dusted
Today is a happy, happy day.
See that there? That is my thesis. Every one of those squares is a side of A4 paper. It is the result of 3 years hard slogging, £20,000 worth of investment, blood, sweat, tears and god knows what else. It is the pinnacle of my education, a crescendo before I head out into the real world.
You know what though? I'm proud. I have a tendancy that my writing style is childish, and everything is spelt out in minute detail (though I have been complemented on a number of reports). Okay, it isn't the most techincal project ever (it's a project that is based on producing a Interactive DVD Prospectus for a High School), but it has real use. I'm not one to talk in too much detail, but there are projects in the university that are complete bollocks. The 'still no cure for cancer' quote, frequented on Fark, holds true. To be fair, we paid the university to do the project, not vice versa. So we do get a say in what we want to do.
8,500 words. 48 pages. It may not sound much, but it's a huge weight off my back.
Now got one more assignment, the group evaluation, and two exams. Then I'm done with university. Into the real world.
On a related note: why is it that around this time every year everybody feels the need to inform the world how many words they've written for various pieces of coursework? I'm being hypocritical here, as I have been guilty of this. Nevertheless, it's not like we care, is it?