Tuesday, May 10, 2005
Things That I Have Done Today To Avoid Revision
Why does everything seem more important when I'm revising? Why? It's a curse of mine. Makes me like Dave Gorman, I suppose.Anyway, the big list of things I have done today to avoid revision:-
- Eaten TWO bowls of cereal. Two! Normally only eat one.
- Watched The People's Court.
- Texted into The People's Court.
- Started learning XSL and XML.
- Went down to the university library to read a book on XSL and XML. Didn't rent it out, just took some notes.
- Played Counter Strike.
- Got frustrated with Counter Strike. Played TFC.
- Got frustrated with TFC. Played Counter Strike.
- Had a bowl of soup in front of Brainteaser.
- Rang into the competition of Brianteaser....
- .....twice.
- Started making my new website, using knowledge of XSL and XML.
- Began downloading the second episode off Family Guy season 4.
- Tried to see how fast I could do Green Hill Zone, Act 1 in on Sonic The Hedgehog (current time: 29s)
- Showered.
- Contemplated making Bread & Butter pudding.
- Looked up reciepe for Bread & Butter pudding.
- Decided I couldn't be arsed making Bread & Butter pudding.
- Googlebombed a website with the words superficial cunts.
- Write a blog entry entrusting you all to do the same.
All in all, a productive day. Tonight, S is coming over for tea, and I may go and watch Man U vs. Chelsea.
Though, knowing me, something more important will come up.