Monday, October 17, 2005
It's like an orgy in my mouth, and everybody's invited

This is the nicest chocolate bar ever invented, Double Chocolate, as the Nestle website says: -
"Pieces of pure roasted cocoa encased in creamy milk chocolate. The same chocolate which is used on the Double Cream Bar but with added Coco Nib pieces, which are darker in colour."
Anyway, it's sex in bar form. I first tried it when I nicked a bar from work one day (okay, bang goes my chances of getting into heaven. Stupid 4th commandment). Anyway, this blog is not for entertainment purposes, something more sinister.
Basically, as far as I'm aware, these chocolate bars are very difficult to get hold of, and I haven't seen one for sale since they were in Home Bargains at 10p each (needless to say, I stockpiled) in May. Now I've ran out. Should anybody on their travels see double chocolate (not double cream, or double berry, which are bountiful) please drop me an email, as I would like to talk business.....