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    Monday, November 14, 2005

    Layin' The Smack Down!

    Morning campers. I don't think you can appreciate what Bob Geldof meant with "I Don't like Mondays"* until you are working a 9 to 5 job. Of course, my job is actually quite fun, with such philosophical debates as "Are there any gay footballers?" and "If God didn't approve of homosexuality, surely he would of done something about it by now? Or is he just saying 'go on, kiss a man, I dare you'.", but even so, Monday mornings are depressing.

    Much of the weekend was juggled between being a perfect boyfriend to A, and being a shit of a boyfriend by sneaking off to play Smackdown vs. Raw 2006 without her knowing. I'm sure blokes will agree with me, that occasionally you get a computer game that you really want to play, but can't because somebody will hate you. I was in that situation a hell of a lot this weekend, it isn't fun.

    Anyway, you have to create a wrestler to play season mode, so check out my bad self: "The Welshie" Rhys Wynne (announced as "Ashley", which kinda sounds like "Welshie", if you're deaf, it's like Bort all over again....).

    Right, I'm off to continue my Season. I'm currently trying to pull one of the women wrestlers. God bless storylines that try to appeal to 15 year olds!

    * Yes, I'm quite aware it's about some teenager who justified a murder by using those words, but I do appreciate it....