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    Sunday, December 11, 2005

    Firefox? Unfucked!

    Just so it doesn't get deleted and lost in the bowels of time, may I just use this post to reiterate my Firefox woes. Thankfully, with thanks to these wonderful people in my comment box, I managed to get it fixed. It turned out that one of the extensions - Adblock, was a bit dodgy in updating, so instead of updating it via the normal way, you had to go to the firefox extension site and re-download it.

    Problems solved.

    The only other newsworthy item was the World Cup Draw in Lepzig, Germany. The three big stories from it (assuming the fact that most of my readers come from the UK, US or Australia) is that England have Trinidad & Tobago, Sweden and Paraguay. That has been tipped to be an easy group, which means they are going to struggle. The United States (who were a massive bogey team) have Italy, Ghana and Czech Republic. My prediction for that would be "bye bye Italy!". Australia, who are finally in the World Cup have a stern test in Brazil, Croatia and Japan. The Socceroos, I fancy, could squeeze into second behind Japan.

    As a neutral, I watched the draw with curiosity as opposed to interest. However, one thing that I couldn't help thinking.

    Considering it was drawn by normally efficient Germans, they didn't half take their time, didn't they?