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    Sunday, January 15, 2006

    Technorati Tag Generator

    It's been one year since Technorati introduced tags, a method for categorising posts on blogs on the internet, further increasing the popularity of metablogging and the decentralised web. Sounds like a good idea, but - with me being lazy - I put off tagging my posts, as it was an extra 2-3 lines of code added to every post. It's not a problem if my blog was a Wordpress one (don't start all you WP whores), as categories have been popular for ages, but for us Blogger, Livejournal (I think) and Myspace bloggers (amongst others), it's a pain in the arse.

    So I did something about it.

    Behold the Technorati Tag Generator. It's quite a simple program that allows you to generate HTML code for tags from a list of words. It also allows the creation of prefixes and suffixes (which can be saved) which are added to the code at the beginning or the end (this allows different styles to be made). Once the code is generated, it can be exported to any HTML editor, by copying it to the clipboard.

    The installation comes with full source code (in JustBASIC).

    Click Here To Download (1Meg)

    Should you like it, please let me know, and link to this post. Any questions please leave in the comment box (I think that it's fairly self explanatory, I'd like somebody who may not be a computer whiz to see how they fare with it if that's okay).

    EDIT: Please, if you have any comments, drop me an email, rather than leave a comment. Comments are generally missed (especially as Haloscan only displays the last 500 comments, so it could be deleted), whereas I'll read every email I recieve.

    Technorati Tags:, , , ,