Saturday, January 07, 2006
Sweet and Sour
I've had no intention of blogging this week, as I've been very busy. It's been quite emotional and demanding week for me, and my free time was mostly spent leading the Welsh to a glorious victory in Civilization 4. Admittedly, I'm failing miserably. I'm not a fantastic Civilization, but not a horrible one either. I managed to bring down the Indians, who destroyed Caerdygygion, Abergwyngregyn and Colwyn Bay, so now Delhi, Bombay and Madras are all under Welsh rule.I'm sure you're all pleased to know that.
Anyway, a few updates on what's been happenning in my life, and this site, in bulletform!
- First, the 'sour'. Me and Alyson have agreed to separate. At times, I throw my hands up and say at times I was an insensitive arsehole. But in the few days since we've split up, I've been doing a lot of thinking. The fact that there was a sizeable distance, the fact that I probably wasn't ready for a relationship and we weren't 100% compatible meant that it was never going to work. I'm unhappy, as she still is that fantastic, but in a way kind of accepting. Ironically, I think we've texted each other more than when we were going out, and her mum still wants to meet me. She reads this site, so I hope we can still be friends.
- The 'sweet' refers to my career, as I have been accepted for the assessment centre for a certain well known glass maker based in St. Helens. I had previously done a psychometric test with the company, and honestly thought I had messed it up. Thankfully, I didn't, and they want me to go on a two-day assesement course at the end of the month. If all goes to plan, then I'll be working in the Information Systems department in the company (which is ideal geographically for me, as it's based in the North West of England, so near to most - if not all - my friends and family). If it doesn't go to plan, then I've managed to get a two day hotel break and food for nothing.
- As far as this site goes, you may of noticed some RSS feeds. I've decided to catch up with the rest of the internet and include some RSS feeds. I've joined Feedburner, who will manage my feed, which is located here.
In work, as there is around a 6:1 Female:Male ratio, there's quite a lot of ladies mags dotted around. I picked one up in the past week, After reading about how to make your periods more predictable, I saw a Roller Coaster Tycoon pinball machine! How cool is that? Maybe we'll see other games converted to pinball form. I'm hoping for Grand Theft Auto: The Pinball.
- I've grown to like Myspace. Originally, I found it slow, irratonal and clumbersome (and that's just some of the people on it), however I've grown to like it like an unloved child. A couple of bloggers have already added me, and I'm just announcing that you lot can do so too. Though I want to know if there is any way that I can get an RSS feed from this blog onto Myspace (considering they don't allow javascript).
- Finally, I'm having computer issues. I have two partitions on my harddrive (henceforth known as 1 and 2). Windows was installed on both partitions, but I generally use partition 2. I deleted the windows installed on partition 1 of my hard drive, but Windows hasn't registered it as gone. So, when I start up, I have to catch the boot menu before it automatically boots to installation 1. Is there any way/program I can use so that I can automatically boot to partition 2?
Right, that's your lot today. I promise there won't be another 5 day break. Vote for me in the "Best Tagline Category" in the bloggies to make doubly sure.