Sunday, December 18, 2005
Gomen ne!
On Friday in work I was busy sorting out goneaways. Goneaways are when you recieve mail at your address that was intended for someone else, and are sent back to us. For whatever reason, there are usually thousands, and this week were no exception. Usually I have a little giggle at the names; with "Mr Cock", "Mrs Gay" and a "Mr P Nis" being occassional occurrance. Sometimes, the person who sends us back this mailig has a little giggle, the one I remember was a Mr. Love, and the person wrote Love Ain't Here Anymore on the envelope. However, letter number 586 (give or take a few) made me almost scream "Oh my god! That's so cool!".It's hard to believe but I honestly did scream that. Why you ask? Well, first of all may I slap you for asking such a stupid question, and read on.
I loved Street Fighter II as a kid, and played it non stop (literally, non-stop). I even
bought endured the god-awful C64 version as I was poor and didn't have a Super Nintendo until when Street FIghter 2: Turbo came out. Admittedly, I did prefer Blanka (who's name is derived from the spanish "Blanco", as he was a white man born in Brazil. Though his skin changed colour, apparently), and Chunners was one of my least favourite characters. I don't know why, probably because I was a male chauvanist at a early age and women shouldn't be in fighting games, probably because the bitches knee lift move countered Blanka's electricity every fucking time, probably because I thought my mates were sad when they had it for the Super NES and paused it when you could see her underwear.
Anywho, call me sad but I really want to meet this Miss Chun Li. Obviously, I don't know where she lives or anything (as it was a goneaway, and the address she was at is located in China. Either way, should I run into her, I would shake her hand, and ask her if she's aware she's got a fictional character named after her.
She probably wouldn't, and proceed to lightning kick my arse to oblivion.
Any other Street Fighter memories from all you gamers out there?