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    Tuesday, May 30, 2006

    The World In My Bed

    So, the big news that I promised. I've realised now that nobody'd probably be interested in it. Oh well, I'm excited by it, hence me posting....


    Okay, this pic may not look very impressive, but by god it is for me. I now have wireless in my home in Colwyn Bay, which means my computer is connected to the internet. My computer is by my bed. Now, at weekends, I don't have to leave my bed.

    So, until future notice, all blogs will be done in bed. It's fun, though I'm mainly at the moment lying on my bed, typing. Which means that I'm typing using one hand (not that one handed typing!) and it's taking forever to blog.

    Networks interest me. Not the nodes and connections and stuff, just people's reactions. For example, this is the first time that my mum and brother have experienced a LAN, and both of them reacted in similar ways when they first got access. They both messaged me over MSN (Mum being "Hi Rhys! I'm talking to you!" and my brother saying "You're Gay!"). Thing is, I can probably wager that the first time that you have a LAN, you speak to your LAN buddies over it. Likewise you generally access porn within about a day of getting the internet.

    No? Just me? Shit....moving on then.

    I've spent today pretty much changing my room around. Down comes the poster of Oasis I've had donkeys years, up goes the Welsh Flag. I'd of loved to put up my Lucy Pinder posters but I'd thought against it, Mum wouldn't approve. I'm suprised I've managed to fit all my stuff into my room, as I have far too much stuff. However, my PC - once pride of place in my room - has been relegated to a darkened corner, which exaggerates the ambient glow from it's arse end.


    Anyway, I'd just thought I'd share that I can now blog from my bed (therefore making blogging the second most fun activity you can do in your bedroom. A ha!).

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