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    Sunday, August 20, 2006

    Cassy the Canadian in Colwyn Bay

    Last night after seeing the Mighty Seagulls dominate Wakefield (proper update of that will be tomorrow), I went with my brother and a couple of ex-workmates to the Prince Madoc in Colwyn Bay. It's only the third or fourth time of going in there, and it was mainly because there was a happy hour, two drinks for one. Get in! I had a few at the football, but nevertheless handled myself pretty well.

    About half way through the night, a girl came over to our table, and said "Hi, I'm Cassy! I'm visiting this area, so I'm just finding a big group of people to hang out with!". Fair enough, as the group which started out with just six of us swelled to around 15-20 people in the Madoc, probably the biggest group of people there and - knowing the people that go in there - probably the nicest. Eventually, I got hold of her ear (not literally), and made my introduction.

    "Hi, I'm Cassy, what's your name?"
    "Oh like Reese's Pieces?"

    Now, I'm quite aware that there is some sweets in America called "Reese's Pieces": and people often bring me back Reese's Pieces when they go there. However, as far as things to say when they mention my name - "Reese's Pieces" is the best. I much prefer it to "Like Reese Witherspoon?" and definitely to "Like that asshole kid off Malcom In The Middle?". So it's not too bad.

    We then got talking about everything - music, sports, mocking American foreign policy. Anyway, she wanted to sing Kareoke, but the guy who ran it said no. Not even seemingly infinite pleas of "But I'm CANADIAN!!!" did anything. "Yeah," said the Kareoke Guy said, "that's what they all say.", "But I SOUND Canadian!". No joy was had. Anyway, the company was brilliant - she was very intelligent (I'm a sucker for intelligence, trust me. My future wife has to be intelligent. I'm not saying that she has to go through University, but I would never have a trophy wife) and at the end of the night I gave her my number.

    Big Mistake.

    You see, she was going back to Canada eventually. Chances are that she wouldn't call me from Canada, an e-mail address would of worked. I was immediately reminded of what Fern said ages ago: "Rhys probably hands out business cards to strangers in clubs with only his url on them". Last night, I wish I did.

    And so to this entry: this is the first time I've actually used the name of the person I want to get in touch with on an entry, as opposed with giving them names like "Sandwich Shop Girl". Reason being is that if she is egosurfing for herself, this page may, just may, come up highly in google. How many famous Cassies are there? I also took the liberty last night of friend requesting every 22 year old Canadian called Cassie, Cassy or Cassandra on Myspace for exactly the same reason. Sad I know, but I really wouldn't mind getting back in touch with this girl. Not because of "oh yeah, I want a long distance relationship with a Canadian" (I had trouble when my girlfriend lived in Chester, I would not manage Canada), just because she seemed cool, down to earth, fantastic company and a nice person to be around, and something that I have been taught far too often in my life.

    If you like someone, by god, do your best to keep in touch with them.

    Fingers crossed for developments, which knowing my luck, could take the form of a major international diplomatical incident as there is a scary stalker Welshman blogs about a Canadian he met in a bar in North Wales.

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