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    Monday, October 30, 2006

    Comedy Night In Liverpool Royal Court, Sexiness and Dominos Pizza

    I'm back from Liverpool on what must have been one of the best weekends this year. Saturday Night was brilliant, and it began at around 5:30, watching the football results come in and around the country.

    We origianally planned to head to Weatherspoons for a spot of tea before the comedy, however we decided against it to have a Dominos. We forsaked it the night before instead going for the better value of Papa Johns. However, we realised the errors of our ways with the stodgy horrible pizza we got. Dominos is the king, and we tucked into the into the Tex-Mex and Pepperoni Passion pizzas, we were happy chappies.

    After the Dominos, we headed out to the main event of the weekend - Comedy Night with Jim Jefferies. We saw Jim earlier this year and promised ourselves we'd go and see him should he ever be in Liverpool. After what seemed like an eternity, the show began.

    A wierd disappoinment with the first act - Chris Cairns. Nothing against the guy, I've seen him before and he is hilarious, but truth be told I couldn't understand him! Maybe it was the obscene amount of boddingtons in the bloodstream, but I could not follow what he was saying. I think the main - almost disturbing reason - was that I've been out of Liverpool for 6 months, I'm once again not used to the accent. Shame, as everybody else in the audience was laughing, so meh - he was probably very good.

    Second act was Duncan Oakley, boy - this was a treat. He had a guitar, which generally means that he'll be amazing, or he'll be shit. Luckily he was the former. It must be hard to do 90% of your routine in song (not just song, but constantly playing the guitar), but he pulled it off. To top it all off, he was better on the guitar than most band members of real rock bands. His version of "Wonderful Tonight" was brillaint.

    Then came Jim Jeffries. Now, as much as it hurts me to say, he didn't have a good night. His humour - i feel - didn't connect with the whole audience. It did with me, Guy and Zandr - who was in tears all through the set. However, the bunch of gingers on their hen night (it's always a sad day whenever a ginger gets married before yourself) and the couple to the table left of us didn't find him funny. The table to the left of us actually got up and left - the Irish bird on it saying "I'm shocked and speechless". Humourless bitch - I take it she didn't appreciate the IRA Joke then.

    As I said myself, Guy and Zandr found him amusing and, with Jim plugging signed copies of his new CD, we had to go and buy one. said a few weeks ago "Never meet celebrities, they are all cocks" - however, Jim (and Duncan who was also sat at the bar) seemed to really appreciaate that we liked the show. We got their Myspace details (how sad is that?!?!) and left. So, b3ta, semi-famous comedians are not cocks, which is more can be said about another celebrity. More on that story tomorrow.

    At this point, I was planning to ring Ian, to find out where he was. However, my phone battery ran out, si I had to forsake meeting him - even though I promised I would. Ian - I am really, really sorry.

    Instead, we went to a club called "Le Bateau". It's a bit off the beaten track, but boy is it gould. It's cheap, underground (which somehow makes clubs seem so much better), and played indie rock all night. Fabulous.

    It was there I noticed something that I've never experienced before - female attention attention in clubs. Celeste noticed this herself, as have I last night. I never wanted to admit it as a fat bastard, but I'm happy to do so now. Losing 2 stone has made me feel and (according some girls last night) look - dare I say it - sexy.

    Unless I am to continue my train ride home diet of Dr. Pepper and Haribo for the next two weeks, I'd like to issue a warning to all the ladies of London. Be prepared, this Welsh hunka burning love is coming to your town!

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