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    Wednesday, November 22, 2006

    Dodgy E-mail and the Ashes

    Hey everybody, just a heads up. My e-mail is well and truly fucked at the moment, taking upto 6 hours to deliver an e-mail. Han's given me an earful on how I should use G-Mail as opposed to a POP box based e-mail, but I don't care! I like my POP box, it's ace.

    Anyway, in light of my hormonal POP box, I'm pretty much stuck without e-mail for the time being. If you're desperate to get in contact with me, I really do suggest the forum - I do spend an obscene amount of time on there. We're currently undergoing a "Drive for America", after we realised we had none of our Atlantic friends on the board. So - this thanksgiving - why not sign up? It's rather strong community there at the moment, plus probably the best way of getting hold of me. Thanks.

    Of course, you could also send me a myspace message or leave me a comment, as I check those regularly, however I'll probably be quicker to respond on the forum. Cheers.

    In other news: The Ashes begins today! Lots of Connie bashing will be carried out over the next three days. Unfortunately, it's in Australia, so - at 10 to midnight UK time - we're nearly beginning the days play down under. If only I was a milkman, I'd watch it. Fucking Sky, promoting the "Ashes Live" - but then not saying "ooh, it's held in Australia, so you have to be nocturnal to watch it". Of course I knew this, but I'm sure a lot of people, swept up by the emotion of beating the Aussies and jumped on the bandwagon, didn't.

    I'm just tired, and a little angry. I'll shut up now. I'm getting a new hard drive tomorrow! 160Gig!

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