Tuesday, October 12, 2004
I've become so cynical these days.....
Today we had the Liverpool Career's Fair held - unsuprisingly - in Liverpool, in St. Georges Hall. Basically, you're supposed to go to these places and sign up the rest of your life away for a career. Or try to.You see, with practically everybody in the UK going to uni to do Penis Studies or summit like that, employers now look for A-Level Grades.
"Woah!" I hear you shout. "You're A-Levels are shite!"
Exactly. Maybe I'm being a bit hypocritical (though I did get onto the course I'm doing because I showed interest, and my games were well recieved) here, but surely something I did 3 years ago is less relevant than what I did 2 years ago. Hell, I told them about being STEP Merseyside Champion and they said "That's nice". Three years ago I didn't drink. Three years ago I didn't have access to the internet. Three years ago I had never kissed a girl.
Jeez. I'm just so frustrated at the moment, and it seems like I'm not the only one
That being said, I am happy with life at the moment. I know it's not the end of the world. I'll make summit of my life.
Now, for the benefit of Potter, who showed appreciation from Sunday's post, here's some more F1 Babes.

Well, I did warn you this blog wouldn't be deep as my old one.