Sunday, December 26, 2004
The Haul
Merry Christmas everybody! Hope Santa gave you all what you wanted. Christmas in the Wynne household went off without a hitch (well, despite the fact I got quite sloshed in the pub at lunchtime, and as such spent the early evening asleep). My stash was, but not limited to, the following:-But one of the coolest things about Christmas 2004? We had a White Christmas! It was bloody marvellous. The snow lay all around, deep and crisp and even.
Of course, one of the bonuses of having a digital camera is that I can post pictures. Aren't you all lucky people? Here's two to begin with:-

A look across to Penrhyn Bay from the end of my road. Sorry of lack of clarity. Still getting used to the camera!
More pictures will follow, and updates. You lucky, lucky people.