Saturday, January 29, 2005
A Ding Ding Ding Ding Ding......
Seriously, what is so crazy about "The Crazy Frog". Basically, it's a ringtone that is constantly advertised on daytime telly as being the best ringtone in the history of the world, ever (despite the fact that I have never heard it off the advert - the cool kids like me have the Little Britain ringtone). Anyway, it does my head in everytime I see it, and I'm not the only one.Basically, for the unaware. Crazy Frog is a ringtone advertised by Jamster in which a frog like creature makes a similar noise to this 'Insanity Test'. Sure you'll agree when you listen to it: who the hell would have that as a ringtone? Apparently, people do. But, whilst watching the advert for the fifty millionth time today on a random music channel, I once again asked the question that has been bugging me for months now:-

Is that what I think it is?
If it is, the frog community must be a bit miffed that one of their own has been portrayed in less than favourable proportions. I'd be on the phone to the television bosses. But they've probably already got a headache. Can you show frogs willies on telly? Suppose nature shows show batrachian intercourse. However, and my biology only stretches to a 'D' at A Level, but that wang looks awfully human like.
That's assuming it is a penis. I mean, it could be something altogether more innocent, like an udder or a flap of skin. But what do you all think?
In Other News: S got her first googlewhack: Ribosomes Effervesce! I've picked up the pace as well with antiestablishmentarianism warlords. Big long whack right there. Needless to say: I'm chuffed to bits.