Saturday, March 12, 2005
Back Home, We'll Be Thinking About You....
I have been home from my 'away from it all' weekend for approximately 4 hours (should of been 3, but we can blame Arriva North Wales for that). Here are my thoughts.
To the right is what I'm drinking tonight. Yes, cheap lager (though my mum bought it, and I do love her very much). Anyway, what I want to draw to your attention to the top: The logo is that or Morrisons. So, basically, we are buying expensive cheap shit. But I still love my mum for buying it me.
- Whenever I head home, something seems to change, this time we have new throws. I think that's everything, but I am sure something will show up which will be new too.
- Comic Relief is going on, and much to the joy of Sky viewers, they can watch it guilt free! For the unaware. Comic Relief is a night of comedy mixed with serious messages, and this year they are taking the cake. I understand it's important and all, but in the hour between 8 and 9, there was only 15 minutes of actual material. The worst thing was that there are some 'corporate profiles' where they look at what certain companies achieve during red nose day. The repeated videos of the poor are fine, but knowing how fantastic Sainsburies are isn't.
Anyway, in what is quite either a evil move or a huge technical blunder by Sky, the videos that highlight the world plight are deemed 'unsuitable for children', and thus suffer the parental lock (should one be on). Everything else is fine, it's quite wierd how they've done it, but done it they have. So, after 3 videos on how Walkers are brilliant, I switched on the lock, and no more stuff about crisps. Brilliant!
Oh, and if it makes you feel any better, I've bought a red nose and filled the box with change, which I will give in this week.
Right, I am actually pretty tired (maybe cheap alcohol has an effect on me. Here's hoping!), so I am going to call an early night. Goodnight everybody, don't let the bed bugs bite!