Friday, March 04, 2005
Penbwlydd Hapus I Fi!!!
Today is my 21st Birthday, and I feel so old. Haven't had much yet (not suprising, as I've only seen 2 people today), but I'm sure that will change. Last night, me and S went to a Tapas restaurant: La Tasca. As never having it, I was confused to what to do, luckily S helped me out, and I didn't make too much of an arse of myself.She also gave me the coolest present ever, a Homestar Runner T-Shirt! Easily the coolest present I've recieved in a long time (sorry mum, yours are cool too).
Arse of the day has to go to Tripod. They waited until today, of all pissing days, to announce they'll be closing my free account. Why - I don't know (they didn't tell me). Either way, the site will look a little off for the next day or so, when I can be arsed to get around and fixing it.
In other news: I apparently share my birthday with Lolo Ferrari, the (now dead) big boobed one from Eurotrash. Dunno why I find that so cool.