Wednesday, June 22, 2005
Darthiau Feidr
I've been in a silly mood, and I would like to see a Welsh Darth Vader. I dunno why, but I think it could be funny. This would be the end of Episode III. This post contians spoilers, but for fucks sake, if you were a fan, then you must of seen it by now.The Emperor: Lord Vader, can you hear me?
Darth Vader: Yes, master.
Darth Vader: Where is Padmé? Is she safe? Is she all right?
The Emperor: It seems in your anger, you killed her.
Darth Vader: I? I couldn't have! She was alive! I felt her!Darth Vader: NAC YDWWWWWWWWWW!!!!
Anybody else think that is funny?
No. Just me.