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    Sunday, June 12, 2005

    Time To Blog

    Good evening everybody! A lot has been happening in my life recently, what with work and that lot. As such, blogging has been a bit hit and miss recently. I hope with this post I can update you all with what I've been upto:-

    Firstly, we've bought a barbecue. To be fair, we bought it a few weeks ago, and I spent a good afternoon putting it up, as these pictures prove so well:-

    It was a struggle, but after a few hours of blood, sweat and beers tears. I finished building the barbecue. I felt like such a man!

    We finally got around to using the bloody thing a few days ago, with kebabs, burgers, sausages and chicken legs all sizzling away, it was gorgeous. Myself, with my trademark lager, proved that I was having a good time:-

    Alas, it was the same lager that has become the death of me, as lager, takeaway, and my stop of all physical activities due to exams has meant that my weight has ballooned. I'm not saying how much, as it's rude to ask. However, thanks to my strict diet of salads, weights, exercise, and slightly less lager, I've lost 4 pounds. Go me!

    Yesterday we went to the West Shore, another part of Rhys' "North Wales Photo Tour". It was absolutely gorgeous, and we had a picnic. Only 355 calories in my wrap. Go me!

    And that's all I've been upto recently. That and watching Big Brother constantly (for those keeping score, I've warmed to Craig, Saskia and still loving - in a heterosexual way - Maxwell). Sorry my life is boring, I may have to do Ally's meme soon.