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    Monday, January 16, 2006

    Other Weekend Shenanigans: Silly Bugger Saturday

    Despite making fabulous blogging software, I had a fairly unproductive weekend. There were some highlights. Friday, after work, I headed to the pub for a few drinks (as one of my mates was up for the weekend). What followed was one of my housemates getting hammered and us losing them, convincing ourselves he was in the casino, and much drunken gambling to consolidate our loss. Again. I then went to get some food, and - here's an example of just how dangerous I am on a night out.

    [Rhys's stumble into a takeaway at 3am, Hardman Pizza]
    Rhys: Heh heh. Hard man.
    Burly Turkish bloke who probably shouldn't be anywhere near food: Yes mah friend?
    Rhys: Chicken in a bun please mate. With plenty of....
    [mocking tone] ....salamayonaise.
    BTB: Sorry mah friend. Only pizza.
    Rhys: I don't want pizza, I want chicken in a bun, and certainly not after last time. Good day to you sir!*
    [Rhys grumbles out of the takeaway to Gemini across the street. Another Burly Turkish Bloke greets me]
    BTB2: Yes mah mate!

    Suppose you had to be there.

    Saturday was a typical Silly Bugger Saturday, i.e. watching football and making stupid bets. I also had some mighty fine Cajun Chicken from a pub, before spunking some money into a fruit machine after developing chronic depression following the Man United result. As my mum reads this, I'm not saying how much I lost, but it was a fair whack.

    As well as that, I watched the conclusion of the Darts, in which 21 year old Dutch Legend (at least in our house) Jelle Klaasen won the world championship. The fact that he's a darts man, his missus is alright and he's only £60k richer than us now means we like him, but what - I think - inspires us most about him is that he took only 4 years to become world champion.


    I always participated in less popular sports at school because I couldn't be bothered with the lifetime of dedication, and I became good at them instead of the one's everybody was good at. When sports day came around, my name was the first on the sheet under "Discus". Even with darts now, my average per throw has probably picked up to above 40, maybe 50 (I've thrown two 100's today already, even with the pub ceiling leaking over the dartboard). But the main stumbling block - like most things in my life, is dedication. That's why Klaasen is brilliant.

    David Beckham's has said "He's always wanted to play fooball all his life", mine is "I'd play a bit of fooball, but then go down the pub, maybe go to university, see the world. You know, that sort of stuff". The fact that Klaasen says to me "start playing darts now and you'll be world champion by the age of 26, then you can spend the rest of your life doing other stuff" makes him a true sporting hero.

    That, and his girlfriend's pretty fit.

    * I honestly did say that

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