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    Friday, February 17, 2006

    Let's Get Quizzical

    One of my hobbies are quizzes. I've never been fabulous at sports but I'm pretty damn good at quizzes. I'm in two teams, which do two pub quizzes a week. One team is called "Barry Scott and the Cillit Bangers", the other is called "The One Legged Pirates". Both names are funny if you get them, but especially "The One Legged Pirates". Me and my mates laughed in the pub for a good quarter of an hour when we found that out. Espcially the "bonus points if you kick 'em in the shin" line.

    Either way, we generally do well in the quizzes, finishing in the top 2 or 3 in both of them. On Sunday, we did the quiz in the Hope & Anchor (under the team name of "Barry Scott and the Cillit Bangers"). The prize? A crate of lager. We won the quiz after a tie break (though no thanks to me, who - a lifelong WWE fan, could not recognise Diva Trish Stratus in the picture round, convincing myself that the person in the picture round wasn't Trish because "Trish has bigger boobs than that"), and claimed the crate of lager.

    On Wednesday night we entered another quiz, this time in our local: The Mount Vernon. This quiz is a lot smaller, only three teams entered. Our team of three, "The One Legged Pirates", another team of two, and a team of 11 players. Of that team, 1 of them was over 30. This was dangerous, as The Mount Vernon has a habit about asking for information that can only be known by people over 30.

    Ironically, even though there's only 3 teams, the prize is huge: £20 and a gallon of lager. Which we won.

    In order to give us a gallon of lager, what the landlord does is gives us pink raffle tickets, each one representing a pint of ale:

    Notice them, notice them good. In work if we put a call through to the Advice Team, we get a ticket as well, to enter a draw for fabulous prizes (though the chances are small, due to the 'around 6000 people' who work in the call centre - that's a lie).

    Notice the similar look of the two raffle tickets. Now, should I not win any prizes, then I plan on going to my local sometime in the end of the year, and attempting to get free pints.

    Of course, if I keep winning the quizzes, then I suppose I won't need to.

    In other news: This is the best headline of the week.

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