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    Saturday, March 18, 2006

    Craic Addict

    So, umm, happy St. Paddy's day for yesterday, hope you all have a hangover as bad as mine.

    I've never really been one for St. Patrick's Day. Why to people claim to be Irish? Nobody claims to be Welsh on St. David's Day. I don't claim to be Irish (the closest was that I pulled a girl from Cork in the Second Year), but like I need an excuse to get drunk? Nevertheless, I try and get in the spirit of things and drink the odd Guinness, and as it was a Friday, I didn't really need to worry about the consequences, which is a good thing, as Guinness seems to make hangovers a hundred times worse, maybe the fact it's a soup, fish course, main course and pudding all rolled into one pint. It's like drinking dark matter. I was only planning on having two, then going back to the lager.

    However, we won the quiz held by Will's Lions group. We honestly didn't cheat: I was impressed of my knowledge of Roland Ratzenberger as the question was "What was the name of the diver killed in qualifying before the 1994 San Marino Grand Prix, the race that claimed the life of Ayrton Senna?". So our prize was a half crate of Guiness. Hence I had 3 more. Bleugh.

    We were planning on going to Matthew Street (where the Cavern Club is), because it's the place to be when there's a bunch of Irish people drinking, due to the large number of Irish bars there. However, it was packed, so instead we headed to Time Tunnel in the Liverpool Guild.

    The night did seem to get a little hazy. Well, not really hazy, more unblogworthy. I left around 1am, and did some light drunken surfing before greeting my housemates, who arrived home at around half 1. I moaned to my house mates that I'm "wonewly" and "no girl fancies me". Typical drunken rant really. Boo hoo me.

    At 1pm this afternoon, I awoke from my drunken stupor. Man was I hungover. I headed to Tesco and had to navigate a group of Christians complaining about Jerry Springer: The Opera. Not one to bring up a relgious flame war on this site, but by god were they annoying. It's because of them I missed the start of the France vs. Wales game.

    Yes, I know that wasn't very interesting. The blog post I was planning on writing is postponed until next week. But it's a goodun.

    Thanks also to Potter, who contributed £2 to the Rhys Wynne Beer and Food Fund (Unregistered Charity #1240239).

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