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    Friday, July 14, 2006

    Girls Girls Girls

    Early last month, I went on a date with a girl. Despite the inital first date going well, I heard nothing for two days, then a quick "I'm going to the pub tonight if you fancy coming.". Turns out it was her and her mate there, so I rang up Jason and he met me to even the score. The chemistry just wasn't there, and she made an excuse "to buy some cigs", and I never saw her again. I have been kind of avoiding her - deliberately not going into the shop she works in, a large well known chain of newsagents, stationers and book sellers. Probably because I don't want to seem like a stalker. Probably because I don't buy newspapers, I don't use stationary, and all (but one, which we'll get to later) of the books I've bought within the last few months have been off

    Until today.

    I went to Llandudno to buy an ace shirt for our school reunion, and saw a book on offer that I wanted (for the curious - The Wisdom of Crowds - apparently a must read for bloggers and open source fans. I'll let you know), dirt cheap as well. It was in the shop which she worked in, so I took a deep breath, and walked in.

    No sign of her so far, good. Right upstairs, to the book department.

    "Rhys? Is that you?"

    Oh shit.


    At this point, she launched into a massive tirade against me, why I didn't call her after our second date (which I did), why I'm such a shit boy (which I'm not) because I don't seem to care (which I did, for a little while). I'd love to say I told her to sod off, but I didn't. I just apologised and left. I couldn't be dealing with it.

    See, this is what I fail to understand about women - the whole "men should make the first move.". Okay, now traditionally we do make the first move, and we don't mind it. But when she believes that she shouldn't speak to me until I speak to her, I feel that's sending women back into the dark ages, and it makes me feel a bit uncomfortable. Besides, if I was in her shoes, and she went to all that effort to get a first date (believe me, I was apprehensive to begin with) which she enjoyed, I would of made sure we'd have a second date. Maybe I attract the wrong sort of women (discounting Sarah).

    Speaking of hormones affecting women - Bonnie's on the blob at the moment, meaning that all my clothes are suspended 4 foot in the air around places, in case she takes them down and "mothers" them.

    Right, I'm going to a school reunion tomorrow - it's nothing fancy, we're just going on a pub crawl starting at half 4 tomorrow. I bought a new shirt for it eventually, so I'll talk about it more on a very hungover Sunday or possibly Monday. Have a cool weekend.

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