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    Tuesday, August 22, 2006

    I Don't Like Tuesdays

    hellonurseTuesdays are fast becoming my least favourite day of the week. Last week I was miserable to the point of Sibley texting me beacuse he was worried about me. The main reason was (and this is going to sound stupid) I was putting profiles together for a client, and they all looked so young and happy, and it made me miserable. Today I'm in a fairly good mood, but those of you who have recieved an email off me will know I've a spot of tummy ache. I say spot, I was considering ringing up ill for work. I'd of loved to have used my favourite excuse.....
    "Hey boss, I'm ringing in sick."
    "Really? How bad are you?"
    "I am fucking my sister, that sick enough for you?"
    .....but I have no sister. Even if she did, I'm pretty sure she wouldn't put out.

    So I made it to work, and there seems to be a stigma attached to 22 year olds with tummy ache that they ahd drinks the night before. I haven't touched a drop since Saturday! Also, I went out and played football for two hours (I truly am dire at football) last night, so I've been good lately. Nevertheless, three people said to me "oh, you're hungover aren't you.". Pfft.

    Anyway, I'm taking it easy tonight, even if it does mean sacking off the football. Was tempted to drive to Alsager to watch Colwyn Bay vs. Alsager Town in the Unibond league. However, 3 hours in a car with the only sustenance being a meat & potoato pie with greasy chips is not what I want in my system at the moment. Though what I need is a lot of sweet tea and strawberries, preferably delivered to me by a loving caring nurse, who would manipulate more than my pillows.

    In semi-related news: SSG wasn't working today.

    I still don't know her name.