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    Thursday, November 02, 2006

    Bonnie's New Clothes and Children in Need

    Some of you may rememberBonnie's Op a few weeks ago, whereby she had to wear a collar. We certainly do, and it was heartbreaking to see Bonnie in that state. However, my mum has knowingly and willingly put Bon through more emotional pain, and purchased her this.


    "It'll keep her warm!" she said, "It'll stop her smelling like wet dog!" she said. "Bullshit", I said. At least the lampshade was fun as we could chip golf balls into it. What can we do with that? Bonnie looks like she's been subjected to a shopping trip with a Scottish Paris Hilton. Poor girl, you can see the dejection in her eyes.

    In other news, in two weeks I'm going to a pop concert! Yes, Children in Need are holding their Wales concert in the atheletics track in Colwyn Bay, and apparently 10,000 people will turn up. 10,000 Bay people in one place cannot be good, hence that's why I've got 4 tickets. Currently announced is The Feeling (Cool), Ronan Keating (Crap) and Jamelia (Who?). But fuck it, it's free, and nothing happens around here anyway. I am the sort of person who sat through VIctoria Beckham and Richard Blackwood's concert, because it was free. Which leads me nicely on to the question of the day.

    What would you go and see, if it was playing on your doorstep and it was free?

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