Wednesday, October 27, 2004
Doo Doo Doo...c'mon lets do the Konga
Went to Chester yesterday (yes, that place I ended up when I was drunk) to meet the most important woman in my life at the moment, my mum.Anyway, whilst she was there to feed me in Yates's (I know Potter's gonna have something to say about that punctuation), I had a fair amount of time looking around just browsing the shops. And then I saw a Gamecube with this on it:-

Donkey Konga
To be honest, I had yet to be sold on the game, a few people were raving about it on Blitzcoder, but I couldn't see what the fuss was about.
Until I played it. it so much fun!
For the unitiated, Donkey Konga involves you playing some bongos to a song, like Dance Dance Revolution, and all the other dancing games out at the moment. However, it's so much fun! The fact I was dancing, and clapping in the middle of Gamestation testifies this, and the fact that nobody cared. Hell, I'm used to making an arsehole out of myself - and I felt I wasn't exactly Justin Timberlake as I bongoed my way through Blink 182's - "All The Small Things" (trust me, if it wasn't such a public place - I would of done "99 Red Balloons"). Anyway, to finish off - it's a bloody fun game, and though I don't own a Gamecube, I've been nagging at my housemate - who does - to buy it.
He tells me to shut up though. Ah well.
In other news: Anybody notice some of the public clocks in the UK at the moment? I'm sure they've screwed up the hour change or summit. Most of them are an hour behind than my watch and computer clock. Somebody's screwed up!