Blackpool Update
Blackpool was a lot of fun, here's some minorly cool things from my day: -
Bus way there. Majority over 50. Bus driver said "who wants some music". Radio 1 comes on. First song - GLC's "Your Mother's got a Penis". Radio off.
The guy sat behind me looked like "Johnny Nice Painter" from the Fast Show.....

Thankfully, he didn't say "Black".
The Big One was shut! It didn't really bother me (not a roller coaster kind of person), but my brother was gutted. It was due to this. It did re-open, and all was well with the world again.
There seems to be more strip clubs than what I seem to remember. Result!
Also, tons of pubs and clubs. Should I ever get off my arse and get meself a lady, and should it all go well. I'm having my stag do there, and you are all invited!
As I'm on a no Fruit Machine ban, I spent ages playing video games. One which Roland would like involved playing a ninja. It's kind of like a gun game, but instead of firing a gun, you wave a sword between some sensors. It's ace, if painful. A guy behind me taught me some tactics in a Splinter to my Leonardo kinda way. They didn't work. I died.
It was not all new games, I also played an original game of Track & Field. Immidiate RSI in my wrist though.
Despite that, I had a brilliant time. Didn't spend too much, so my mum would be pleased.
In Other News: I've lost about 4lbs, taking me down to a lean, mean 13st 11lbs. First time I've been under 14 stone since about '87. Result!