Monday, November 08, 2004
Call That A Knife????
This Wednesday is the AU disco. Contrary to Roland's belief, Ten Pin Bowling is a sport, and a darn goodun as that. Our theme is the beach wear. I'm going as an Aussie Beach Dude.

Adam and (to a lesser extent) Fern....I'm sorry.
Anyway, long story short, I always come up with silly names for myself whenever I'm dressed up. Remember the schoolgirl outfit? How can you forget?! For that night, I was known as 'Minietta' - which was created by taking my bowling nickname (Mini), and adding a femine touch to it.
So, as the stereotypical, politically incorrect but damn funny Welsh/Aussie hybrid I'll be on Wednesday, I want to know what name you prefer. The choices are these: -
- Fosters Chester, The Crocodile Molester.
- Crocodile Dumfries (Popdog'd find it funny)