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    Wednesday, November 10, 2004

    Curse my (and apparently yours as well) Filthy Imagination!

    Like 100% of blokes on this planet, I've a dirty mind. It's great. Earlier today, having just finished a conversation (on Web Messenger....yes, that explains the little world by my name on MSN, now you don't need to ask) with two of my similarly filthy minded colleagues, whereby I loaded my homepage - Yahoo! UK.

    My attention was drawn to the Yahoo News box, about third way down the screen....

    I so read the second headline as 'Local Boobies'. Which would be cool, of course, goverment subsidised strippers for everybody!

    Anyway, before any of you write back and say "Rhys! What ever happened to that sweet, innocent Welshman? Soon you will be entering the Ban This Filth territory!", look in the mirror. You had the chance to give me the witty name of Crocodile Dumfries for tomorrow night. Instead, you've gone for the risque Fosters Chester: The Crocodile Molester, for a score of 7-4 (3 abstained. You fence sitting bastards). Crocodiles of the world beware, Fosters is on the brews tamorra!