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    Friday, November 18, 2005

    Welshmen In Need.....

    Forgive me for being a heartless bastard, but I used to hate Children in Need.

    It just seemed far too much like celebrity back slapping for me. Rather like Live 8, but with rubbish music.

    When we were little, in school, Children in Need was fun! Usually it took the form of a Non-Uniform Day, with each child (or really...their mothers) paying 50p for the priveledge of wearing your own clothes (which was always either a Man U shirt or your best clothes which you only wore to parties at Burger King). The teachers used to crack the same joke ever time it happened: "It may be no uniform day but it's not 'no work day'!". Oh how we laughed.

    When you're a university student, Children In Need takes a whole different meaning. Because you live in t-shirt and jeans, no uniform days are completely and utterly pointless. Instead, pub crawls are organised by people who have far too much time on thier hands. £5 is charged, and there's no point paying to do something we do already. Charity stuff is to supposed to be doing things which you don't normally do (like Paul scoring strikes...oh ho!).

    Today in work has been quite fun, largely due to Children in Need. We've had a cake sale, a raffle (which I have 131, the same number as my house. It's a sign! It's an omen! It's....a coincidence), and an auction of a Liverpool Shirt. Also, one of my colleagues has been making balloon animals at 50p a shot. Mine's supposed to be a plane.

    No comment needed.

    Anyway, two bits of news from yesterday's post. Firstly was something that Ally made me remember. The job the agency rang me up for didn't want to interview me, they just wanted me to say yes or no. Surely it couldn't be worth going for, could it?

    Secondly was the last line. They have informed me that I would be employed until at least Christmas (which is a good thing, considering when they took me on I was told I would probably be out of a job by now), and then we'll see. Least I can afford Christmas this year. Yay!