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    Wednesday, March 22, 2006

    For Seven's Sake

    "Rhys!" Guy said to me, in the midst of a blog post on how boring my life is at the moment, "fancy going to the Gilmour to catch the second half of the Liverpool game?". How could I refuse? I was bored, and needed something to do.

    Guy's a Chelsea fan, and doesn't really have much love for Liverpool. He didn't expect much happening "0-0 will be the score more than likely. Liverpool couldn't score if there life depended on it."

    Boy, how wrong he was.

    We arrived at the pub after 48 minutes in the game, and Liverpool was 3-0 up. "Jeez" I said, "It's going to be a crap 2nd half. Liverpool are going to sit back."

    This time, I was wrong.

    After 90 minutes, the final score was Birmingham 0-7 Liverpool

    Now, I'm one to pick faults, and as far as 7-0 drubbings go, it was actually quite boring (second worst 7-0 drubbing, the worst being Bamber Bridge beating Colwyn Bay in 1998. I left at half time, as we were 6-0 down by then). Sure, there was some impressive bits of skill by a number of players, but - although it was a thrashing - it didn't really keep me glued to the screen. Liverpool weren't as dominating as the time that Arsenal beat Everton 7-0 last season.

    That being said, they should be commended. 7-0's are pretty rare. If you were to put up a full strength Barcelona team against a full strength Barnet team, you probably wouldn't get 7-0. 8-0 or 9-0 probably, but not 7-0. It's unheard of.

    Another disturbing thing is a gap that's opening up between the top teams and the bottom teams. As such, I propose the following change.

    A complete restructure of football leagues.

    Think about it. The top league would be the Champions League, which would just be the champions of every european nation, with the previous league's champions there. Then there would be the Premiership of top 10 teams, and each league would have 10 teams. With 3 going up and 3 going down. It'll keep it interesting I think. Okay, would take longer for a long time Colwyn Bay fan to ascent to Premiership glory, but if it makes it more interesting, with very few teams being stagnated, then by god I'm for it.*

    What do you think?

    I feel a letter to UEFA coming on....

    * Yes Guy, that was originally your idea, but you don't have a blog. So I've taken your basis and modified it slightly.

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