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    Saturday, April 15, 2006


    One of my favourite games ever made is Paradroid. In it, you play a robot sent in by humans to destroy rogue robots on a space station. The robot you start of with is very weak, and in order to win the game you have to either destroy the robots yourself (very difficult), or take over a stronger robot to destroy all the other robots with (easier, but still bloody hard).

    It was one of the first games I ever own, and I loved it for no other reason that it was a fast loader, and was very engaging. I spent hours of my childhood playing this game, eventually destroying the ship. It was then I learnt the twist in the game: the ship was just one of an ever increasing in size fleet of 8 ships. These were the days before save games, and I gave up.

    I still reminise though about this game, and there are a few remakes regarding this game. I did discover one that has become my favourite: The Paradroid Project.

    It was the main story on remakes.org, as this remake - unlike a lot of others - sticks to the origional top down formula that made the first so well remembered. All they've changed is utilise two fire buttons instead of one, update of graphics and a high score table. Even with the increase in technology, there - thankfully - is still no save function.

    The popularity of Paradroid is very strange: in the world of Commodore 64's million or so games released during it's lifespan, Paradroid is well remembered. Sure, it didn't set the world alight first time around, but it has done well recently. It was even included on the 30-in-1 C64 Joystick which is becoming more and more popular. So, if you're bored of seeing the family this easter weekend, I wholeheartedly reccommend you try The Paradroid Project. Go! Now! Let me know what you think, plus if you find any other remakes of old classic games that you like.

    In other news: I am stupidly hungover. Had a hell of a lot to drink last night, and I've got an even bigger night planned tonight. As such, we've entered a "lets help Rhys recover from his hangover" period, which involves me just pondering around the house all day, doing medial tasks which include (but not limited to) the following:

    1. Blogging
    2. Playing retro remakes of Paradroid (see above)
    3. Playing Poker on Pokerstars. I'm trying to raise my chip count, like Fern. Unlike her, I'm failing. Miserably.

    Also, before the trip to the Bengal Palace and Broadway, I plan on watching a good afternoon of football. It starts in an hour.

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