Monday, April 17, 2006
A Rhys is Blogging at the Speed of Sound
The easter weekend is supposed to be about "Resting and Reflecting", not me. Oh no. I've been going full tilt - I need to go back to work to get a break! I had an email last night though, first time I receieved advice about blogging. Their advice: stop blogging!Well, not exactly. They were due back in work tomorrow, and didn't keep up with my website. So, I've decided to agree with his demands - I can't help it if people have better things to do than read my website - and this post is going to be a "rest and reflect" post, a look back over the blog posts of the last weekend.
Best Laid Plans of Mice and Men (Thursday, April 13th): I try and launch a web game, free webhosting with PHP says "No!". I need assistance.
Good Friday! (Friday, April 14th): Two days to go before I finish lent, and I have no urge to gamble.
Paradroidia (Saturday, April 15th): Me - "Play paradroid project, it rules!". Housemate Tom - "This game sucks donkey dick".
I Made It (Saturday, April 16th): I lasted 40 days, 40 nights and 51 minutes without gambling, and I've an oompah loompah to blame.
Trust me, this is not an attempt to fob you off with old content, as not a lot of people read the above posts (my stats were rock bottom for the weekend), and not because I can't think of anything interesting to say. Oh no. So, to appease those who have read those posts, here's a few snippets of information.
Points will be deducted if you make references to genatalia. It's just too obvious.
* No. I'm not going to take a hammer to a real life rabbit. I'm talking about a dildo with the same name.
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