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    Monday, July 24, 2006

    Panini Premier League Stickers - Early 90's Nostagia, when Sheffield United were last in the Premiership

    Remember Panini Premier League Stickers? They were all the rage back in school, and many a pocket money was spent on them. Soon I got swaps - first was when I got two Nick Barmby (Barmbies) in one packet). Luckily I had plenty of people in school who I swapped them with. The best was when I got Paul Ince and Sheffield United Kit Shiny for West Ham's Programme - completing both Manchester United and Sheffield United in one swoop. I also collected the World Cup 94 stickers, and was one Henning Berg short of completing that book. But there was one person I never saw on a sticker.


    Oh sure, I'll never play in a world cup, not even in the Premiership. But I would of thought it'd be brilliant for Panini to come up with some custom stickers. Luckily for me - 12 years later - they have.

    Mypanini is a site that allows you to design your own panini esque football sticker. Upload a football, then add shirt, name, team you support (sorry Welshie's, but there is no Wales. So pick Portugal instead). You can then buy them for about a fiver, but a quick Alt+Print Screen jobby puts it into your favourite paint package. Resize then put on the internet.


    Now, I'm thinking of getting a "Gospel According To Rhys Readers" team together, to be blogged at for a later date. So, this may be amazing, it may be pants, but if you create your own sticker (use whatever pseudonym and photo you want if you're shy) and e-mail it to me, including general information (website URL, preferred position), to When (if) I get 11, I'll bung it up on the site, linking to them.

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