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    Wednesday, August 23, 2006

    It's Not The End of the World

    Pat yourselves on the back, because we're still here.

    Was reading Celeste's blog earlier that due to her toothpaste having 2 stripes instead of 3, that the apocolypse is nigh. When I read that, I remembered a news article that said that yesterday* we were due an apocolypse, not according to some whacko who predicted World War 2/JFK's Assassination/Pete Winning Big Brother 7, oh no. This was based on religious fact**, between Islam and Judaism, or some twaddle. Anyway, a quote from a blog about it:-

    "“[The long awaited return of the Hidden Imam, ending in the final victory of the forces of good over evil] may even have a date, indicated by several references by the Iranian president to giving his final answer to the US about nuclear development by Aug. 22,” which this year corresponds “to the 27th day of the month of Rajab of the year 1427. This, by tradition, is the night when many Muslims commemorate the night flight of the prophet Muhammad on the winged horse Buraq, first to ‘the farthest mosque,’ usually identified with Jerusalem, and then to heaven and back (c.f., Koran XVII.1).

    Now trust me, this isn't going to be a mocking post about "Oooh, look! I survived ANOTHER apocolypse! People will think that I'm Bruce Willis soon!", because should there ever be an apocalypse in my lifetime, I want to be on the winning team. So I'll leave you with this question.

    If there was an apocalypse tomorrow, what would you spend the last 24 hours doing?

    Difficulty: you cannot spend time with your family.

    Proper update tomorrow, I promise.

    * Yes I quite realise that I posted "today" in the comments - sue me.
    ** Again, I realise the irony of this statement.

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