Apple Han, School Discos and Rude Restaurants
I'm back from my weekend away from it all with the gorgeous
Han. As you can imagine, an obscene amount of the weekend is unsuitable for this blog (kids, the elderly and - worst of all - my mum read this 'ere site), so
as opposed to the comprehensive write up my first London trip got, this one is going to be a lot more concise!
First notable point was Saturday day. Me and Han headed into Canterbury for one of her mate's birthday. I actually blogged about it extensively on Han's blog so I won't repeat it here, so here's a quick summary: we waited an hour for cardboard based food with chavs entertaining us by flashing old men. When the food finally came the waitress confused poor Han into accepting someone else's meal and then insulted her. Trust me, that post on Han's blog is a watered down post.
In the night, we went to "The Venue" for school disco night. Both of us looked fabulous in our uniform, but alas this didn't reflect in the photos where I look either psychopathic...


...or just downright perverted.... thing I will say is this - it's ironic that only when you are with somebody you really, really like you realise what you really hate. I do not like middle of the road nightclubs - they're usually garishly coloured concrete blocks, devoid of any personality. The Venue was one of these, with an added bonus of having a DJ that gave a running commentary throughout each song. Consider Bryan Adams "Summer of 69"
"What did you get?"
"I got my first real six string"
"Where did you get it?"
"Bought it at the five & dime"
"What did you do with it?"
"Played it until my fingers bled"
"When was it?"
"Was the summer of 69"
But yeah, fantastic company aside, the venue was a bit of a hole.
On my way back, I had a good hour stopover in London. I had a beer, a burger and something I've never had before - a Krispy Kreme Doughnut. I'll be honest, it would also probably be my last. It was so saturated with sugar I was almost sick. A couple of pints later and my excitement levels was back to usual levels. I'm not good with sugar rushes. Anyway, it was there overlooking Euston Station that - I dunno - I just seem so much happier down this end of the country. I know there's a difference between visiting somewhere and living/working somewhere. It just seems like a better place to be than Colwyn Bay - and I'm sure that my family, friends and CBFC (the only things I truly like about my home town) would be able to cope if I do depart - providing I visit every now and again.
To close, thank you for all your e-mails regarding Christmas Cards. Due to sheer workload, I've yet to post them. I will do so on Wednesday, so you have another day to get in your request (if you've yet to already) - click here to email me your address for postage.
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