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    Sunday, December 17, 2006

    It's Christmas Time! Wii needn't be afraid.

    I'm beginning to get excited for Christmas, it's bad. I've been a bit subdued and disinterested when it comes to Christmas, but this year, I'm genuinely excited. It's driving my mum mad though, as I'm self-questioning myself out loud: I wonder what Han got me? I do hope Han like's my presents?! I wonder what is in that Joystick Shaped Box? I wonder if they'll have "A Blonde For Christmas" in the Pen this Year? I wonder what will happen between The Mighty Bay and Woodley Sports (£1 a pint in the clubhouse, 23rd of December, be there!)? These sort of questions we must all be asking ourselves at this time of the year.

    I suppose I can semi-relax now that I have pretty much finished the Christmas shopping. Half of Mum's present has yet to arrive yet, but that should arrive tomorrow. All I need to do is wrap it, test it, and then I should be ready to eat, drink and be very merry. Not even the fact that I know I've got a Bounty on Christmas Eve in my Advent Calendar can put me in a horrible mood.

    Yesterday was the unofficial "End Of Christmas Shopping" Day, getting things for the more important members of the family (that'd be yourself, Bonnie), and I had a surreal experience in Game.

    Around this time of year, shops take on extra staff just to give a gentle nudge to people to part with their hard earned dollah. I should know, I applied for a position with one of them. I was having a look through the Wii games at game when one of these people came over to shill me some products.

    "Hey, did you manage to get one at launch?"
    "Alas's a shame really, is a lot of fun."
    "Oh yeah, they're hugely popular, makes my job a lot easier!"
    [Forced laughter not seen since You Been Framed was stopped being filmed in front of a live audience]
    "Want a PSP?"
    "Not really"

    Poor Sony, goes to show that if you put rootkits into discs, have borderline racist ads, and produce comedic corporate blogs as a vain attempt to be hip, people are not going to like you very much.

    In other news. I now have a gmail account! I also have integrated Google Reader with Firefox, so i need feeds to populate it. Any gooduns out there? I'll be honest, I've never really used RSS before now, so it's a bit bare!

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