Sunday, February 06, 2005
Bread of Heaven
Certain things in life make you happy. You grin from ear to ear as you embrace your fellow man with such joy. Yesterday was one of those days:-
For the first time in 12 years, Wales have beaten England in Cardiff. 11-9 was the final score, with Gavin Heston kicking one hell of a penalty to win it in the dying minutes. At the time, we were 8-9 down, and the pub was singing "Swing Low, Sweet Chariot", and me doing my best to drown them out singlehandedly "Bread of Heaven", and managing very well. But we came back and won the game. I was delighted, and much ringing of English mate's phone numbers was delivered. Almost all of them congratulated me on the win (except for one, who claimed that "England owns Wales, so it's a victory for us". Bollocks).

One thing I prefer rugby over football is the respect that each team shows each other. The football debacle of last year was one such incident. Booing during the national anthem, me getting bitchslapped after the first goal. So much shit really, even if I did hold my head up high after the game. Yesterday? It was great. Even after I went to the club (which I'm feeling now) people were commenting on the game, how I thought it went, and just generally being very friendly. So much respect from both sides, and that's great.
After all, it's only a game.
And we won.