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    Monday, April 24, 2006

    Unbreak My Heart

    I suppose I'd better provide you an update with what's going on, after last thursday (except Ian, who I saw on the train, and talked about it with him for a good 45 minutes).

    Even though I've been telling myself "it's nothing to be worried about", I am worried. My first plan of action was "just get back to work, no big deal". However, that kind of fell through when I started losing my sleep, and losing my appetite: the first thing to happen when I worry.

    As such, I've spoken to work twice, both on the phone and in person. Basically, I just said that - even though I'm fine - it is playing on my mind and I'm not fit to work at the moment. Not a diagnosis by a registered doctor, I know, but that's how I feel. Work were fine, they said that should I return (which I expect would be in two weeks or so), they'd happily accommodate me once again.

    I'll be honest, I don't want to name who I work for. I hear many people moan about temping agencies, how they screw you over again and again. They've not done anything of the sort. They seem genuinely concerned with my wellbeing (considering I've been a feature of the office for 6 months, they've gotten to know me). They have been brilliant, and I have made a few - hopefully genuine and lasting friendships.

    Oh, and the second part of the plan? Think positive.