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    Friday, July 28, 2006

    Anyone for Cricket? Free Tickets to Glamorgan vs. Worchestershire and Glamorgan vs. Wawrickshire in Colwyn Bay

    Question: What has Lea from Big Brother, my ex Headmaster Clive Hampton and yours truly got in common?

    Answer: We're all in this weeks North Wales Weekly News!

    Lea's in by saying "Glyn To Win!", referring to Glyn Wise, from Blaenau, who is looking pretty good to win Big Brother this year. Clive's in because he's going into semi-retirement, leaving the school in the very capable hands of a Birmingham City fan. I'd love to say that I was in it because I run the greatest blog in North Wales, alas no. Instead it's because I entered a competition, and I won!


    Woo! Go me! More impressed that one of the other winners is a bell! How cool is that! I danced around the house with a glee when I read that, until I read the article: "all five days".

    Fuck. All five days? I can't give up a week of work like that. Who'd go with me too? Rick's unable to, Aled can't be arsed and all my mates who like cricket are in different areas of the country.

    Sure enough, when the post came today, I saw them. Ten tickets.


    Shit. I thought it was for one day, not all 5! Anyway. This is an open invititation to anybody who wants to share the tickets. Basically, it's for the 4 day test of Glamorgan vs. Worchestershire, and the Pro15 match Glamorgan vs. Wawrickshire. Don't worry if you don't understand - I'm just going to get pissed. The tickets I'm prepared to give away are for the following:-

  • Day 1 - Pair
  • Day 2 - Pair
  • Day 3 - One
  • Day 4 - One
  • Day 5 - One
  • If you can make it to Colwyn Bay for any of those days, well you're quite welcome to them. For days 3-5, you don't have to spend time with me, you can grab the tickets and fuck off for all I care. But if anybody's interested, well, email me at


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