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    Thursday, August 24, 2006

    Comedy Nights, Mech Warriors, Space Websites and Bluetooth Spam

    As I really cannot be arsed posting today, here's a collection of links that I've found over the past few days.

    Firstly is Andrew Lawrence. Veteran readers may be aware that for around 4-5 months this year Thursday nights were spent at comedy clubs up and down Liverpool. One of the first acts I saw was this comedian called Andrew Lawrence, who came out of nowhere, and was one of the funniest things I ever saw. Anyway, turns out he has a myspace on the new myspace comedy site, and he has posted two videos of him performing. I urge you to check it out, especially if you like my sort of humour. The link is here. Check out video 2, which was almost the exact same set as I watched. Cheers to Guy for digging that one up for me.

    Secondly, from is this. How cool is that? I used to love playing the Mechwarrior games, even managing a go in those mechwarrior games they used to have in the Trochadero in London. That was fun. But a real Mech Warrior (even if it's slow and only fires rubber bullets)? That's awesome!

    Next, we have the rather intreguing (if mind fucking) Deep Sky Frontier (thanks Gorillamask. It a webpage which supposedly shows the amount of stars in space (or something) and - if printed out, the amount of paper used would run from the centre of the Sun to Saturn. I dare you to print it out!

    Finally, I suffered one of these myself recently. We drove past a billboard in Colwyn Bay's East End, and I had a message via bluetooth from Land Rover. I accepted it, and it was a video which couldn't fit on my phone. It's a cool idea, though I can imagine it get annoying and cause accidents. What do you think?

    Proper update soon, I promise.

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