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    Monday, August 07, 2006

    Cricket Day 5 - Final Day's Action, or lack of it

    At this point, I half expected to post a collection of One-Day cricket pictures. But alas, there was quite a lot of rain, so - while there was two hours play - I errrr, forgot to take any photos. Luckily, the person I was with was a member of Colwyn Bay Cricket Club, so she managed to sign me in to the club house, where I felt all....welcoming.

    The game was abandoned with Glamorgan firmly in control (which was a shame), and that was the end of my free tickets for 3 days of cricket. Would of been nice to see a result, particularly as I was in the clubhouse at the time, so the players would of come down and we would of got drunk or something. So, instead of pictures and an indepth review of the days action, I will instead bore you with what I've learnt over the past 3 days.

  • I know where Worcestershire is on the map! I can also spell Worcestershire too. As such a fan of Worcester sauce as myself, I always think there's a "h" in it. Now I've gotten over my extra "h" habit.
  • I finally know what a runner is and how it is utilised after hearing the people on Test Match Special whitter on about it. Like the name suggest, it's a guy who runs instead of the batsman if the batsman is injured. He runs in the crease parallel to the batting one (which is why there is slightly darker areas each side of the main crease.
  • I've learnt that cricket is like no other sport in that you can actually go on the pitch during the game, bonus points if naked.
  • Likewise, you can also bother the players during the game, and they often speak to you. Be warned, if you know nothing about cricket, you will look silly (as I did to James Franklin).
  • All in all, it's been a thoroughly brilliant last 3 days. Shame the weather wasn't great, but it was still dry for the majority of the week.

    Right, I bet you're all sick to death of cricket. Normal service will be resumed tomorrow.

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