Monday, December 18, 2006
Time Person Of The Year: A collection of Ace Blog Posts

"It's about the many wresting power from the few and helping one another for nothing and how that will not only change the world, but also change the way the world changes."
So, what will I do with my latest edition to my CV? Well, I suppose I could go on a long, thoughtful and intelligent rant about how we are underapreciated by the Main Stream Media, but I do enough of that on my mylot account. Instead I'm going to link to my favourite posts of the year, and how bloggers and the general Web 2.0 have wrecked havoc this year.
I suppose really from 2006 I didn't really gain a number of new blogs to read. Sure, there was Han, and Manuel. But from the top of my head that's all there have been. Merrick made a welcome return to my feed list too. But apart from that, there hasn't really been any new blogs out there that have grabbed me. Like wise any new consistant readers.
However, the readers that I do have, I have got to know better. Seriously. Some of you I feel I know better than my mates. I also took the plunge and met a few of you, and I was plesantly suprised you weren't serial killers. Celeste is as warm and as bubbly as she appears on her blog. And I really don't need to tell you what I think about Han, who I met 24 hours later.
So, Mr and Mrs Time People Of The Year, thank you for reading my blog, feeding this blog and commenting on this blog (this'd be a good point for you lurkers to make yourself known!). As a group of people, it's nice to be recognised. We're certainly more deserving than Bono - the hypocritical wankstain of a man who won it last year.
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