Wednesday, November 24, 2004
Settle An Arguement once and for all:
B3ta: Is it pronounced Beat-a or Bee-Three-Tea-Ay?
Been very busy. Seriously. I've been running around like a headless chicken (and yes, I have seen one of those run around). Nevertheless, I've got a free moment, so I'll update for all you lucky, lucky people.At spare moments, I've been spending all my time on this website: virtual bartender. You type in things and make women do stuff! If only women were more like her. Caused a bit of a foray on the ever-decreasing in activity Ten Pin Bowling Messageboard. So far, we have these words found. More can be put into the comment box, where I can nick them, and put them onto the messageboard as my own. Result!
At the risk of going to hell (fuck it, I'm practically there anyway), may I just say that I hope the Band Aid 20 single does not get to number one. I don't usually care about the charts, but quite adament about this. Yes, it features Keane. Yes, it features Snow Patrol. Yes, it features Coldplay. Yes, it's for charity. But it is terrible.
Finally, I've regained my love for Avril. Why? Well....this:-

Need I really say any more?