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    Friday, April 28, 2006

    Bank Holiday Weekend Plans

    Something about a semi-redesign, you kind of redescover your love for blogging. After the brilliance/idiocy (who you speak to) of liveblogging the poker event (Ally, I was not mocking), you'd think I'd of had enough of blogging. Not so, I'm going to share to you what I plan to do this weekend. Which - involves - the Harrogate Flower Show.

    I'll be honest, mum caught me at my weakest time - at around 8:30 in the morning. She wanted to know if I'd of been interested in going to "The Harrogate Show" (I had to research that it was "The Flower Show", as opposed to just show, as the person she was going with had dropped out.

    "Sure" I said "There's probably a funfair there, or something."

    God bless my mum, she'd be brilliant in sales. Using words like "Fair" (which gives me the image of Alton Towers or something), and not using words like "Flowers" to describe the event, she sold me on the idea.

    I have a scary feeling that tomorrow I'll be the youngest person there by about 20 years, but I've said I'll go. I enjoy road trips (I enjoyed every single excursion me and Sarah did with bowling, they were awesome), just for stopping at service stations and gambling. Nevertheless, I can see myself going into the beer tent, even though I'm not supposed to.

    Hope that everybody has a good bank holiday weekend, and does whatever and whoever they want to.

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