Thursday, April 27, 2006
Whoring Myself Out #1
Unfortunately, one thing about "relaxing" is that very little money is coming in. Sure, I could take up fishing or something, but a short term, possibly lucrative method to try and generate revenue is to sell stuff on eBay.So, if you see anything you like on my bed (and yes, that is my bed, and a place in it is not for sale. My mum'd kill me), check out My Ebay. Not everything is on there yet, as it does take time, but they will be on by the end of the tomorrow, so there'll be more stuff on there. Not sure how many old school WWE viewers who lack a DVD Player read this blog, but by god, if you do. Bid. Bid High. Bid Often. Thank you.
You may also notice a slight change in the blog design. I've gone for 3 columns as opposed to 2. The reason being is that the right column was getting far too long. As such, I've moved all the advertising and google adsense bumpf to the left hand side. It's not that it's because the adverts are in a more prominant position. Oh no.
In any rate, I'd like to know what you think. I've broken the top rule of webdesign (design for 800x600, but nearly all my readers are 1024x768+), but apart from that, it's pretty much more of the same. Still, if you have any problems with it, let me know. Cheers.
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