Everyday, I thank the Lord I'm Welsh

My standard mug for hot drinks. It reads "Happiness is Knowing Your Welsh", if you're interested.
Richard Wynne and The Huge Embarrasment

Richard loves Harry Potter, but he won't admit it. He took his copy of the new book that he ordered off Amazon 3 months ago to work with him today. He took the sleeve off it 'so nobody at work will know'. I stuck it on the internet. Well, he did want nobody to know....
Assuming The Position
This is my most regular position, inspired by the picture on Cyn's site. Of course, due to it being alcohol and not milk, meant that I couldn't get it high enough to perfectly emulate said picture.
Not Getting it up high enough: story of my life, really.
Pretty As A Picture
After deciding I'm don't like looking at my ugly mug pissed. I've put up this pic, whilst sober. Hungover, but sober.
On The tiles
Okay, not quite the audio post that Katie wanted. But here is what I look like, pissed outta my face. Not a pretty site, is it?
Have a Break...
I pride myself on my integrity. I never resort to lows to advertise products and the like. However, I do believe this is the coolest mouse that I own. My brother bought it for me as a christmas present (as well as a half dozen kit kat chunky's). Anyway, it's cool and such. Also seen is my Mario mousepad, a dance mat, my carpet and my right jean-covered thigh, just for show.
Giving People the Finger

Okay. This looks bad. However, there is a reason for this picture. Basically, look about half way up the finger. See that burn? Yeah. It's there, don't pretend it isn't! Anyway, I did that in work today. I also burnt me crotch area as well (from resting a pan full of beans between myself and the bin, if you must know), but I'm not taking a picture of that. Why? Well, it'll put all the blokes to shame, won't it?
Scooby Dooby Doo, Where are You?

A picture of my snazzy Hong Kong Phooey T-Shirt (yeah, I know the title said "Scooby Doo". Close enough.). Also seen worn is a random Steve Irwin esque shirt. Just for show.
Incidentally, this is my first topless photo in existance. (Do you get it? I'm in the photo, and my head (which the last time I checked, was at the 'top') isn't on it. Therefore topless! Oh the boy's a comedy genius!).