You know your life is boring....
...when you start doing meme's. This one I saw on
Laura's Blog, and I quite like it, so I'm sharing it with you. Proper update to follow at the end of this.
3 names I go by: Rhys, Welshie, Chomp.
3 screen names I've had: Going from old Counter Strike Names: Errr....Urusla D. Fatfuck, Dtve. Sandy Vagina, and Dickie Snapples (the elf that steals apples)
3 physical things I like about myself: Apparently, in my life I've been told I have nice eyes and nice lips, so there's two. I suppose my hands are quite nice. All......hand-like.
3 parts of my heritage: Welsh on my dad's side, English on my mum's, but it can be Argentine on my mum's, if you go back far enough.
3 things I am wearing right now: Socks, guiness T-shirt and jeans.
3 favorite bands/musical artists: Up until a week ago I would of said Oasis. But since I don't really like their new album, they're no longer one of my favourites (god S will be pleased). Ummmm....Feeder, Keane and Hell Is For Heroes are my current picks.
3 favorite songs: First one has got to be "Creep". Not neccesarily by Radiohead (as both Damien Rice and Scaling have done cracking Acoustic and Emo Death Metal versions respecitvely), just that it's a quality song. "Champagne Supernova", just as a throw your hands up in the air and around your mates anthemic balls up tune. And finally "I Can Climb Mountains" by Hell Is For Heroes, purely for the Nivarna esque structure, a key change that does make the song so much better, and for the line "I can run, I can't hide. I will swallow failure, and shit out pride.".
Special mentions must go to Feeder's "Just a Day", a song that you can't stay still to, and The Zutons' "Confusion", as it has happy memories associated with it.
3 things I want in a relationship: humour really, got to be a laugh. Don't know what else really, I suppose easy going like myself would be nice.
3 physical things about the preferred sex that appeal to me: eyes (especially when they smile), being huggable and boobs (yeah I'm shallow)
3 favourite hobbies: IT (it includes game playing, programming, blogging and surfing the internet), poker and ten pin bowling.
3 Things I want to do badly right now: get this website which I'm building finished, sleep, watch Big Brother.
3 things that scare me: Death. Failure. Snails.
3 of my everyday essentials: phone, computer and wallet.
3 Careers you have considered or are considering: teacher, computer programmer and professional poker player.
3 places you want to go on vacation: Monaco, Japan, Australia.
3 kids' names you like: If I ever had a baby girl, she will be called Seren (Welsh for star). I don't really think about names too much.
3 things you want to do before you die: go handgliding, go to Las Vegas, write a book.
3 ways I am stereotypically a boy: Beer, farts and a semi-competitive streak.
3 ways I am stereotypically a girl: I cry too much, I take things far too personally, I can bitch about people.
3 celeb crushes: Lucy Pinder, Anna Paquin, Amy Lee (from Evanescence) are my three favourites at my moment, incidentally the first time in 3 years that Avril Lavigne hasn't been there. I must be getting old.
And threre you have it. Not interesting but at least you know I'm not dead. What have I been upto? Well, I've had my first day back in the Zoo for the summer, and also I've been creating a side project: a portal to host all my games (written in XML). It's going to be hosted on the same server as this site, and Sarah's already seen a bit of it, and she was impressed (well, about as impressed as she could be).
Yesterday I also built a barbecue, go me for being all manly! But that's about it really.
In order to soften the blow of this rather dull blog entry, please look at this video. It's been cracking me up for the past week, as I've played a bit of Warcraft, and found it so dull to play, with people so anally retentive as those who are speaking on this video. Trust me, be it Counter Strike, poker, or like Andrei Shevchenko in the penalty shoot out last week, everybody at times becomes a Leroy Jenkins.
Pictures Tell a Thousand Words
As long time readers will know, this blog (being "The Gospel According To Rhys", not the website) used to be exlusively a photoblog for "
The Art of Rhysisms" (my other blog). However, since I made this my main blog, the photoblog aspect has been lost. Until now. Now it's the time to ressurect that, as I went to the
Liverpool's victory parade at Lime Street, just to see what all the fuss was about.
What I saw was incredible, and really quite sombering in a wierd way. Approximately 300,000 people descended to Lime Street, which was roughly the same as who died in the tsunami. Which, was in the back of my mind for a little of the celebrations.
I started off going through Lime Street Station, the hub for international travel, which was unusually packed:-
As packed as that was, it didn't hit me until I saw people struggling to get any sort of vantage point:-
They weren't the only ones who thought higher was better. Some 15 year old girl, who was very, very short (mockingly short, if you will). She needed a little extra lift, which I was happy to oblige, provided she snapped a few pictures:-
Notice in the last picture, that there is a bus there. Apparently at around 5pm, there was a rush of people, so much so that they engulfed a whole bus.
Unfortunately, at around 8:30, we got word that the coach was approximately 2 hours behind schedule. I really couldn't be arsed waiting in increasingly cold weather (I wore shorts and t-shirts), so I got the 15 year old girl to dismount me (which sounds so wrong), headed to St. John's Square, where I took two more photos, one of the parade on the big screen:-
All in all, it was an experience. I returned back home to Colwyn Bay, and everybody I've spoken to - no matter who you supported - was really jealous.
That's the good thing about football. No matter who you support (as a Man United fan, I can say this), it has united the country. We hear the bad side about the beautiful game so many times, and often I lose faith in it. But yesterday, there were 300,000 people in the city centre, and not a single troublemaker.
Surely that's the beautiful side of the beautiful game....
Life is a Rollercoaster
Yesterday was such a brilliant day for me, I really can't explain it. Today was all well and good when I went to
Alton Towers, with Air and Spinball Whizzer being the best rides. I'm not going to bore you with details, so instead I'll talk about something else.
I've had many nights in Liverpool. Some have been fun, some haven't. However, last night was the most historic. No other word for it. To see Liverpool win the European Cup was unbelievable, and it's hard to describe. Yes, by the letter of the law I'm a Manchester United fan, but I was most definitely supporting Liverpool last night.
However, after the first half, I was realistic. Liverpool were goners, 3-0 down. But somehow, someway, they pulled it back to become the unlikliest winners of the Champions League ever. And, being in Liverpool, we went on an all night bender.
Christ it was amazing! Spoke to my mum on the phone on the way down, and said the 'f' word far too many times to her. People were dancing in the streets - literally. Traffic was blocked, but nobody cared, it was an amazing sight. In Concert Square you couldn't move, people where everywhere, singing "We Are The Champions" and "You'll Never Walk Alone". Here are two pictures from my phone which do nothing in conveying the mood of Liverpool last night, but it would give you an idea (apologies for quality):-
Mental. Absolutely mental.
Tonight I'm going to the victory parade, and I'm taking a proper digital camera, so there should be some good photos!
Fuck Me I'm Famous

Big thanks to
Jacob for pointing out my little quote on the
Beeb's website, a whole paragraph as well right at the end. I've been reading that article for a good few times over, and I've come to the conclusion that it is me, for 3 simple reasons:-
- My name's Rhys,
- I'm from Colwyn Bay,
- I wrote the email to the website.
I've been trying to infiltrate the BBC's website for many years now (both fair means and foul), so I'm smiling when I saw that. I've never been quoted before.
I've always stood up as the best reason for blogging is Personal Blogging. Maybe I'm biased here, whilst other sorts of blogs are all well and good, but to put your entire life, who you are, your beliefs on the internet is no mean feat. Getting people to read is even more of an achievement. But I believe one of the better - if slightly unpublicised - reasons for blogging is quite simply to keep in touch.
You see, me and S went on a touristy day in Liverpool (which became known as "The Liverpool Photo Tour™"), it was whilst we were in the Cavern club that she said that she will be unlikely to see her ex-boyfriend (for whom she was with for a good few years) again. This isn't like a hysterical, 15 year old, first boyfriend splitting up. This was like deadly serious. The ex, without delving too much into detail, is quite difficult to get hold of. As such, somebody who you shared that much of your life, who you are still relatively good friends with, is going to walk out of her life.
I don't know what it feels like to have an ex dissappear like that - it probably will happen to me (though hopefully not with S), but that comment made me think about why I - personally - chose to blog. I'm not seeing S for a large proportion of the summer, it may be an unworkable relationship as such. However, I know that - if she keeps blogging - I have a means of talking to her. E-mail and MSN are all well and good, but sometimes they are written in such a short-formed way that it is illegible (my mum is guilty of this). Ian is another one I won't be seeing much off over the next few months. However, thanks to his blog, I'll know he'll be cheering on Liverpool, visiting Baracuda, and getting Eddie to take photos (though I knew he'd be doing so anyway). I hardly spoken to Potter much in the last 12 monts, but I already know that he is well and truly okay, and very happy. By them having an outlet to say "This is me, this is what I did, this is what I thought", I know exactly what's going on, and - whilst a proximity way of keeping in touch through a third party - it's an excellent thing to do.
I guess what this piece is trying to achieve is to urge those of you who are not blogging to do so. Blogging is a fantastic way of communicating your thoughts in the only truly democractic way possible. Nevermind what those naysayers say, you will have interest in your blog, given time. Those of you who are already blogging, I urge to keep doing so (especially if you are anybody I know, as it's far easier for me to keep in touch). You don't have to launch into a 10 side tirade when you blog, just short, concise paragraphs. Usually these are better. To do so will let the world know that your life is still here, and what you are upto.
Sorry about the tirade, but - after all, this is my blog....
Forever's Gonna Start Tonight
These four words rang out during a dance version of Bonnie Tyler's "Total Eclipse of the Heart" at Time Tunnel. Unnofficially my last night as a student, I felt I had to go out on a high. Suprisingly, I didn't drink for all of Saturday (though when the night ended - I used the loophole that it was technically Sunday, so therefore I could drink), but I felt I'd better not, as there was a funfair as a special going away present.
I was right, as one of the rides almost made me hurl.
After getting our money's worth on the funfair, we decided to head indoors. It was a usual Double Vision/Time Tunnel fare, with the rather random Mariah Carey "All I Want For Christmas Is You" as the final song.
All in all, a rather unspectacular end to 3 spectacular years.
I'm asked quite a lot what university is like. Usually by the staff at work. What you do all day; is it really the sex, drugs, rock and roll lifestyle promoted; is it a hard slog like it says in the brochures; how to prepare; what to do. Maybe I'm not the best to comment about this, as I've never engaged fully in the student lifestyle (largely due to the area we live in, most students live the other side of Liverpool). Nevertheless, this is what I found in my 3 years. In song form nonethless. Albeit, the song is Baz Lurhmann's "Everyone's free to wear sunscreen"
Ladies and gentlemen, from a graduate of 2005:
Wear Sunscreen.
If I could offer you only one tip for the future, sunscreen would be it. The long-term benefits of sunscreen have been proved by scientists, whereas the rest of my advice has no basis more reliable than my own university experience. I will dispense this advice now.
Enjoy the freedom and ignorance of your first year. Oh, never mind. You will not understand the freedom and ignorance of your first year until it's over. But trust me, in 2 years, you'll look back at photos of yourself and recall in a way you can't grasp now how little work you had and to do and how you really did rule the world. You are not as fat as you imagine.
Don't worry about exams. Or worry, but know that worrying is as effective as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing bubble gum. The real troubles in university are things that affect you socially and phyisically. If they occur, fuck off the class test on 4pm on some idle Tuesday.
Do one thing every day that scares you.
Sing. In kareoke. Trust me. University is the place to do those things that you want to do. Should anybody laugh at you, fuck them off.
Don't be reckless with other people's hearts. Don't put up with people who are reckless with yours. These people will be gone in 3 years.
Floss. Nobody likes to kiss a burger.
Waste your time on anything. Sometimes you're ahead, sometimes you're behind. The race is long and, in the end, it's only with your mate on Gran Turismo 4.
Remember compliments you receive. Forget the insults. If you are successful in any way, mock the insulters.
Keep every piece of paper you get. You never know when you need it.
Don't wretch. Vomit will leave your body without forcing it out.
Don't feel guilty if you don't know what you want to do with your life. Most of the people I know don't know what they want to do withselves. You won't be alone in this thought. I still don't too.
Get plenty of vitamin C. It helps hangovers.
Be kind to your freshers gift bag. You'll miss it when it's gone.
Maybe you'll have a girlfriend, maybe you won't. Maybe you'll be drunk, maybe you won't. Maybe you'll go through university as a virgin, maybe you'll have sex every night. Whatever you do, don't worry. University is your experience, not what anybody else's.
Enjoy your overdraft. Use it every way you can. Don't be afraid of it or what your parents will think of it. It's the greatest source of income.
Dance, as you will be doing a lot of it at university.
Read lecture notes, even if you don't follow them.
Do not go to phychology lectures. They will only make you feel ugly.
Get to know people with similar tastes. These will be your friends. Very rarely is your first year next door neighbour your "best friend". You may get lucky, but probably wont.
Be nice to floor mates. Go out with them at least once, but should they be arseholes, ask to move.
Understand that friends come and go, but with a precious few you should hold on. Work hard to bridge the gaps in geography and lifestyle, because university you do make friends for life. MSN helps bridging these gaps. Live in halls once, as it makes mealtimes easy. But leave before it makes you ill.
Travel. Being stuck in one city for all of university can drive you insane. Universities organise trips, go on a few of these. Should you be in a sports club (and I highly reccommend it), you will travel the country, experiencing nights out.
Accept certain inalienable truths: Beer prices will rise. Lecturers will bore you. You, too, will graduate. And when you do, you'll fantasize that when you were a student, prices were reasonable, lecturers were interesting, and students were not layabouts.
You don't have to respect your lecturers. Often they have little experience of real life, they will piss you off. However, you have to pass their exams, not the other way around.
Don't expect anyone else to support you. Your loan only goes so far.
As will your overdraft. But you never know when either one might run out. I'm not saying don't have fun, as you should, and you can get away with living cheaply. But don't be stupid
Mess with your hair. University is the only time you can get away with it.
Be careful which degree you go for, but be patient with it. Degrees are by and large the same, with little change in speciality (except things like Law and Medicine). Whicever degree you go for, the life experience you get and the degree are worth every penny.
But trust me on the sunscreen.
- "Sunscreen": Baz Luhrmann ft. Rhys Wynne, 2005
Ahem, that took far too long, and I understand you if you don't want to read it. However, that's my advice for university. The only other thing to say is do as much as possible. Volunteering, work experience, projects, whatever. If nothing else they bolster your CV.
And besides, you sit on your arse far too much anyway.
Possession is 9/10ths.....
I woke up yesterday morning with the buggery of a hangover and the taste of vomit in my mouth. Some reason, I went silly buggers. But, however, there was worse to follow.
Distinctly etched out on my neck, was the word "Hi".
What? Don't believe me? Look at this! Okay, it's not great, but hopefully somebody can see it (S could see it on my phone yesterday)
I'm posessed! Some weird "Hi" monster is in my soul! Argh!
Anyway, today is going to be a busy day, in the life of an unemployed student. First we've got the FA Cup final, where hopefully the right result being Man United win, and for Malcolm Glazier to burn himself on the balti pies, so that he never wants to take over the club. That would work. After that, we're thinking about having a "Dan Summers" party - the girls are having an Ann Summers party, which we think is very sexist. As such, we will be having a bloke party, which will probably take the form of a game of poker, alcohol and football. After that is my final Time Tunnel event, which is titled Torremolinos. Quite what it has to do with the Spanish resort I have no idea. Nevertheless, there's a funfair and a few other bits and bobs that almost make spending the £8 for a ticket worthwhile. Ah well.
Over and Done With......
That's it, I'm done. The university career of Rhys Alun Wynne is over and done with.
Yesterday was my last exam: Advanced Database Management. The same exam that Ian sat. Whilst I didn't cheat in the exam, I did communicate with Ian in the exam, with a screwed up face expression, similar to the expression given on MSN when you type in :S. Or, as it's more commonly known, the internationally recognised symbol for "this exam is a bit iffy.".
So, in hoping that I'm not done for cheating for that last paragraph, I'm officially no longer a student. There must be some word to describe the period between finishing studies, and graduating. If there isn't, I'm proposing "gradustud".
For the next two weeks, I'll be staying around Liverpool, just enjoying the last bit of my student loan. So far, here are the plans.
- Alton Towers.
- The last Time Tunnel of the year, with a funfair.
- Star Wars III: Revenge of the Sith.
- General sitting on arse.
- FA Cup final.
- And drinking shit loads.
The last point is an important one. You see, last night to celebrate, I did have a few ales. And then a few more. And then a few more.
Oh deary deary me. I woke up upside down.
I think I may do a recap of my best moments of university. Can't promise anything, but I could. If I can be arsed.
If I can be serious for a minute.....
....tomorrow, I unnofficially finish university.
At approximately 12:30 tomorrow, or whenever I finish my Advanced Database Management exam (more on that a little later), Liverpool University will say something like "that's all Rhys". No more university for me. No more living life as a student. I graduate in July, but tomorrow marks my transition from "student" to "unemployed" (discounting the zoo, which starts in two weeks).
I'm currently on a relatively safe 2:1. The project, the C++ and the exam I had on Thursday (which, I thought went well) should pretty much guarentee that - if I pass the exam tomorrow - I've a good 2:1, possibly even a first.
The sticky point is tomorrow.
You see, this exam is a pain. I've tried and tried and tried revision for it over and over again, and it could be nice (it has a very definite structure to it). However, it's the only module I've sat that is 100% exam, and all the questions are long answers. I don't know what to expect. I graduate regardless this summer (you are allowed to fail 1 module of 15%, assuming I pass the Thursday exam, which I'm pretty sure of), but should I fail this exam tomorrow, my degree becomes the awful sounding "ordinary".
I don't want to fall at the last hurdle, I know I can pass this exam, it's just a large majority of the exam is tricky. To be fair, the lectures were at awful times (4 in the afternoon, and 10 in the morning), and the lecturer didn't exactly convey interest. I'm usually switched off for them, and any attempt to follow them was forgotten, especially as the project has put a huge dent in my lecture going activities.
I've done as much as I can, and tomorrow is one of the most important days of my university career. Do I fly like an eagle? Or crash and burn?
Wish me luck....
Push Pinapple, Shake A Tree....
A few months ago, on the way to a bowling tournament, we were reading - for some reason - the Daily Mail. At which point there was a story that kiddies parties have become a keeping up with the jones's. Kids are now getting CD's, DVD's and Action Men in booty bags, and the parties are running into the thousands with bouncy castle and even z list celebrities being hired. We got talking about it, and how in our days (god we sound old) we'd be happy with a pencil, a monster in my pocket, a piece of cake and a chewit. How, that in our capitalist driven society, we *could* have fun on the cheap.
And so begins reason number 22 to avoid revision.
Yeah, a late night driving trip to Tesco provided the food. Party rings, swiss rolls, mounds of crisps and jam sandwiches.
Incidentally, yes that is my ironing board Of course, it wouldn't be a kiddie party without some jelly and ice cream.
Whilst we were planning to play some party games, we didn't get around to it. Instead we just did what any kid does at a kiddie party, get all hyper and dance to some party classics. They were "Agadoo", "Scatman's World", "I am the Music Man", "Jive Bunny", "Michael Jackson's Megamix" and, the all time classic, "Itsy Bitsy Teeny Weeny Yellow Polka Dot Bikini".
Of course, being the lightweight of the group, the sugar hit me hard, and fast. As these pictures clearly prove: -
Soon I was singing along to the superman song, doing all of the actions, and it has been recorded on film (which, I will not host here, as it looks terrible without the music, honest), before crashing quite spectacularly at around midnight. How I survived sugar rushes as a kid, I have no idea. But a good night was had by all for only £2 a head. £2! Not a remorgaged house for little Katie's special 7th birthday in sight! The best thing was we overdid it on paper plates and plastic cutlery, which means no washing up for ages. Result!
We would of paid party games if we didn't crash, and feel sick. The one suggested was a very rudimentary version of "pin the tail on the donkey", which was "pin the piece of A4 lined paper onto the arse of Miss February from FHM". Shame really we didn't, a condom was the top prize.
You see, that's what I'm going to miss most about university: the spontinaety (something that I've been accused of not having). Random things that seem to escalate into something a lot bigger. The trip to Manchester and Blackpool last week, the painting of a mural to the legendary Karl Vain, "Landing Cricket" (which caused the neighbours to complain) and a variety of other days were worth it, and the memories of them will make the years to follow of living in debt worthwhile.
That's Gotta Leave A Mark
Usually it takes something extrodinary to talk about football on this blog, but I think this warrants it:-

Arsenal 7 - 0 Everton
For those of you who are unaware, Everton are not some bargain basement team. Everton are, officially, the fourth best team in the country. Everton are a team who, despite my Manchester United roots, I support. Everton will be going to the Champions League ahead of Liverpool, even though Liverpool are in the final.
And tonight, they got beat 7 - 0.
A few more stats: Everton registered just 2 shots (both off target) compared to Arsenal's 20, 13 of them were on target. Corners were 4 to Arsenal, 2 to Everton, and nobody sent off (which made it even harder to swallow - if it was 11 vs. 8 or 9, then it's understandable). But the most shocking fact is this: 81% percent of the game, Arsenal had the ball.
For most games, it's at most 60%-40%. Literally translates that, in a 90 minute game, 73 of those minutes were controlled by Arsenal.
To be honest, it changes nothing (Everton did field a weaker squad). Sure, there'll be outcry from Liverpool fans who feel they should be in the competition, citing the fact that if Everton lose on Saturday, they'll be the first team to qualify for the champions league with a negative goal difference.
Before you ask, yes I did watch the game. Reason number 21 to avoid revision.
The exams tomorrow.
Things That I Have Done Today To Avoid Revision
Why does everything seem more important when I'm revising? Why? It's a curse of mine. Makes me like
Dave Gorman, I suppose.
Anyway, the big list of things I have done today to avoid revision:-
- Eaten TWO bowls of cereal. Two! Normally only eat one.
- Watched The People's Court.
- Texted into The People's Court.
- Started learning XSL and XML.
- Went down to the university library to read a book on XSL and XML. Didn't rent it out, just took some notes.
- Played Counter Strike.
- Got frustrated with Counter Strike. Played TFC.
- Got frustrated with TFC. Played Counter Strike.
- Had a bowl of soup in front of Brainteaser.
- Rang into the competition of Brianteaser....
- .....twice.
- Started making my new website, using knowledge of XSL and XML.
- Began downloading the second episode off Family Guy season 4.
- Tried to see how fast I could do Green Hill Zone, Act 1 in on Sonic The Hedgehog (current time: 29s)
- Showered.
- Contemplated making Bread & Butter pudding.
- Looked up reciepe for Bread & Butter pudding.
- Decided I couldn't be arsed making Bread & Butter pudding.
- Googlebombed a website with the words superficial cunts.
- Write a blog entry entrusting you all to do the same.
All in all, a productive day. Tonight, S is coming over for tea, and I may go and watch Man U vs. Chelsea.
Though, knowing me, something more important will come up.
We're at the top, we're going higher!
It's funny, some of my mates are hard to convince to do things. Other, it's a piece of cake.
Guy: You know what? I've never been to Blackpool.
Rhys: Fancy going?
Guy: Go on then.
So, after much persuasion, and we felt like it, we decided to go to Blackpool.
Don't believe me? Here, have a picture.
Believe me, you cynical bastards. Luckily for you, I kept a blog of my thoughts.
2:30 - Arrive in Blackpool. Yay! Walk straight past Rumours, a bar where all the staff walk around in lingerie. Got slightly disappointed (but greatful) when we saw the bouncers, and they weren't in lingerie. Probably going to head back there.
3:00 - Bumped into some drunken girls dressed in army gear. They ranged from the stunningly gorgeous who you would do daily, nightly and ever so rightly to the hideous. Unfortunately, the hideous one decided to flash her boobs at us. Well....A for effort at least. No picture taken, due to us being the only two people on the seafront with any sort of class.
3:05 - Guy farts. We laugh. Bang goes the class.
3:15 - Went into Coral Island, the biggest arcade in Blackpool. Coolest bit was playing Daytona USA with the car seats on hydraulics. I hammer Guy and some other bloke on it. I so rule.
3:30 - Go for fish and chips.
Mmmmmm...tasty! Nicest food known to man, and proper too! Unfortunately, left unimpressed with the 'small' coke, which was very, very small.
Couldn't fucking drown a spider in that.
Also noticed that Coral Island was advertising an opportunity for you to "Meet the stars of your favourite TV shows". Which is all well and good. If your favourite TV show is Coronation Street.
4:00-5:30 - So begins 1 and a half hours of pure gambling. All sorts of fruit machines, all over the place. How many jackpots did we win?
Just one. Bugger. We headed back to the train station after that, as we were planning on meeting a few people we know in Preston. Preston is a cheap shithole.
All in all, a good day was had by both of us. That's one thing I love about being a student. Random days out like that rule!
Can't Beat a bit of (Istan)bully....
You have no idea just how happy this picture makes me feel.
Even as a - so called - 'Scum' supporter, I was cheering Liverpool on. It was exciting wasn't it? The battle of Britain. Liverpool - which encompasses everything that's right about football against Chelsea - a team that encompasses everything wrong with football. Final score; Liverpool 1, Chelsea 0.
All in all, was an okay day for me. Watching that match was so exciting, an excitement I haven't felt in a long time. Don't know why. Maybe the fact that a city which I've lived in for three years and counting are now amongst the European elite. It kind of makes me proud.
Mourinho was an arse though after the game, saying "the better team lost". Yeah, they did. However the better team lost in the 3 previous meetings this season between the clubs. The goal was questionable, yeah, but so have been Chelsea's goals in at least one of the premiership clashes. Karma? Oh, indeedy.
Good night was had by all, I rang Ian to congratulate him on the win. He got tickets to the game. Bastard.
Luckily he wasn't the only one celebrating a win during the game.
£25 jackpot. Ding dang do!
Mad for It
Thursday was the AU Dinner. Not going to talk too much about it because, well, I don't remember anything noteworthy. I wasn't drunk or owt (well....maybe just a little), just nothing worth talking about.
However, you may remember last year my drunken journey - completely on a whim - to Chester. People were asking if I was to do it again. Well, they don't call me Rhys "Once Bitten, Twice Shy" Wynne for nothing, do they?

Oh Rhysie. When will I learn?