Everybody Dance Now!
Sorry for lack of updates. Anybody who knows me would probably guess the reason why. Last night I got convinced to go to a "Modern Dancing" class. You see, it seemed like such a good idea at the time. Guy convinced me to go: "It's full of ladies!" - he said. Sure enough, with that promise, and the fact that the only form of rhythm I have is on dancing games, I toddled along. I had an idea that it would be like that Erik Prydz video that's always on telly.

Yep, that's the beaver.
However, I didn't bet on one thing: windows. Sure enough, whether it be bowling, in a pub or dressing up as a girl, I'm used to looking like an idiot. I felt like a right idiot last night. Probably because my balls weren't big enough to launch myself wholeheartedly into all the dance steps. Plus I got confused. Heh: Advanced C++? no problem. Dancing? Not a chance. Which meant I fell around all over myself.
But I don't care.
Yes, when it was all said and done, it was a laugh. Hell, it was different. Plus we ended up in the pub after. Can't be all bad.
Unfortunately, my hips weren't all that supple. This morning, I feel like I've given birth.
I OWNZ J00!!!!
I'm sure the readers who are fathers will sympathize with me on this one: the day when your kid outsmarts you.
To be fair, I had it coming. I've been an arrogent little fucker this afternoon, Ian'd probably attest to that. Why? Well, largely due to this being made today: -
Okay, I didn't make all of it, just the AI and difficulty and the scoring. Either way, I'm dead chuffed with myself. Probably because it was in C++, which is still pretty tricky. Anyway, I didn't brag in class, but I'm bragging here: I did it in around 30 minutes. The rest of it was spent fucking around. Ever see Wargames? You know that bit towards the end where they break the computer by forcing it to play naughts and crosses over and over again? Well, that's what I did for the next hour or so. Play game after game after game of naughts & crosses.
Final Score over 100 games: Player - 33, Computer - 56 (with 12 Draws). On moderate difficulty.
Yes, I've developed the unbeatble AI. It may not solve the Middle East crisis, but it can kick my arse at Naughts & Crosses. Will it kick yours? Well, DOWNLOAD IT HERE.
In other news: I swore in front of children today. I'm going to hell.
Settle An Arguement once and for all:
B3ta: Is it pronounced Beat-a or Bee-Three-Tea-Ay?
Been very busy. Seriously. I've been running around like a headless chicken (and yes, I have seen one of those run around). Nevertheless, I've got a free moment, so I'll update for all you lucky, lucky people.
At spare moments, I've been spending all my time on this website: virtual bartender. You type in things and make women do stuff! If only women were more like her. Caused a bit of a foray on the ever-decreasing in activity Ten Pin Bowling Messageboard. So far, we have these words found. More can be put into the comment box, where I can nick them, and put them onto the messageboard as my own. Result!
At the risk of going to hell (fuck it, I'm practically there anyway), may I just say that I hope the Band Aid 20 single does not get to number one. I don't usually care about the charts, but quite adament about this. Yes, it features Keane. Yes, it features Snow Patrol. Yes, it features Coldplay. Yes, it's for charity. But it is terrible.
Finally, I've regained my love for Avril. Why? Well....this:-
Need I really say any more?
18th November, Weight 13st 11lbs. I saw.....
"Rhys!" They screamed. "You need to get more in touch with your feminine side!". So, what better to do this than a toddle off to the pictures to see one of the most girly films out there: -
Yep, Bridget Jones 2.
I'll own up. I actually chose to go on my own accord. Inside my hardman exterior is a big girl. No, I'm not going under the knife or anything. I enjoyed the first one - I shed a (manly) tear at the end of it - so I actually turned down a night watching football and drinking beer to go with a few mates to see it (which, to be fair, was the right choice).
So, does it get my two thumbs up? Meh. It was enjoyable. Kind of like the Charlie's Angels flick. You just go in and can switch your brain off (I must admit, I had a few beers sloshing around inside of me through the film) and enjoy it. Sure, it's cheesy. It's soppy. It was full of product placement. It's all the things that I hate. But......it was pretty good. I'm not going to talk too much about it, as the story wasn't too strong (nothing you haven't heard a million times before), and the fight scene was a bit weak, but it was okay. A no-brainer, and not as good as the first one (you did get the sense of seeing it all before).
Christ, that was a difficult entry to right. Giving my opinions on a movie not aimed at my gender. Need to stick to what I'm good at. Let start right about......now: -
To quote the Wagon Wheels advert: Oh you would.
Always Wanted To Know
I'm sure you've had this situation in your life at some time: -
"Yeah, my radiator isn't working. I don't think anything is wrong with it, it just needs bleeding."
What exactly does 'bleeding' a radiator do to it? I reckon it's just a huge conspiracy that everybody's in on. Nobody I know knows (plumbers aside) what:-
- Bleeding a radiator actually does.
- How to go about bleeding one.
So, any takers?
In other news, bought Smackdown vs. Raw for the PS2, and it's taken me a fair while to get into. Small roster plus not that many changes meant I don't think it was worth shelling out £40 (though, I technically with discounts only shelled out £25). However, there are loads of really cool little features, and the CAW is much better (my characters now fit into the game). So....meh. Could be a goodun. Would of preferred Eugene and La Resistance instead of speaking characters though.
Finally, the latest edition of Strong Bad's Email is either the funniest ever or the worst one ever, depending on who you speak to. Hate to say it, but I'm tending towards the latter.
The flames, they are arising.
Evolution Is A Mystery....Full Of Changes No One Sees
You know when you just get those days where everything seems so perfect? Yesterday was one of those days.
It started at 9am....or 10am (as my 9am was cancelled). I got an A on my Postscript assignment. Bloody marvellous.
The best was yet to come. We were waiting for the start of bowling in the Guild (the Liverpool Student Union), whereby we needed to crisps and drinks. We being me and my housemate Guy (who, probably isn't going to appreciate being mentioned. Ah well, he's proud of it). We left the shot and looked over to the fruit machine.
"Dude!" Guy said, "Is that Lemmy?" - refferring to Lemmy from Motorhead.
After we confirmed that it was - some random girls swooned over him like a unshaven Justin Timberlake - we decided to grab a picture with the famous man. Only Guy was in the photo, not me. I had to take the photo. Nevertheless, here it is, in camera phone pixellated glory! Guy was in the original, but it screwed up the width, so I deleted him.
How unbelievably cool is that? He's a rocker, he's Welsh, he's got a gambling addiction. What more is there to like about him?
Rest of the day fizzled out.....up until the debut of Fosters Chester at the AU Disco.....more of that soon!
Curse my (and apparently yours as well) Filthy Imagination!
Like 100% of blokes on this planet, I've a dirty mind. It's great. Earlier today, having just finished a conversation (on
Web Messenger....yes,
that explains the little world by my name on MSN, now you don't need to ask) with two of my similarly filthy minded colleagues, whereby I loaded my homepage -
Yahoo! UK.
My attention was drawn to the Yahoo News box, about third way down the screen....
I so read the second headline as 'Local Boobies'. Which would be cool, of course, goverment subsidised strippers for everybody!
Anyway, before any of you write back and say "Rhys! What ever happened to that sweet, innocent Welshman? Soon you will be entering the Ban This Filth territory!", look in the mirror. You had the chance to give me the witty name of Crocodile Dumfries for tomorrow night. Instead, you've gone for the risque Fosters Chester: The Crocodile Molester, for a score of 7-4 (3 abstained. You fence sitting bastards). Crocodiles of the world beware, Fosters is on the brews tamorra!
Call That A Knife????
This Wednesday is the AU disco. Contrary to
Roland's belief, Ten Pin Bowling
is a sport, and a darn goodun as that. Our theme is the beach wear. I'm going as an Aussie Beach Dude.
Adam and (to a lesser extent) Fern....I'm sorry.
Anyway, long story short, I always come up with silly names for myself whenever I'm dressed up. Remember the schoolgirl outfit? How can you forget?! For that night, I was known as 'Minietta' - which was created by taking my bowling nickname (Mini), and adding a femine touch to it.
So, as the stereotypical, politically incorrect but damn funny Welsh/Aussie hybrid I'll be on Wednesday, I want to know what name you prefer. The choices are these: -
- Fosters Chester, The Crocodile Molester.
- Crocodile Dumfries (Popdog'd find it funny)
So, vote away! Not wanting to swing it, but even though I prefer the second, most of the people in the bowling club prefer the first one. One or more of these people support
Chelsea, and one or more fo these people like
Homestar Runner. Vote away! Oooh....it feels just like
Taboo Tuesday.
I lied. Here, let me make it upto you.....
I did say I'd try and update this more often, and I have been away for about a week. I have a good reason, honest.
Okay, don't believe me? Here, take a look!
That abomination is my first new game in two years (don't all cheer at once). It's called Eskew. Why I have no idea. In any rate, I've been busy making it. Apparently, one person thinks it's quite fun. It it's anywhere near as good as Wormhole, I'm happy.
Anyway, that's the unhard sell, so if you want it - and, by god, I know I do - download it here.
In other news: this week I have been living without a sink (for one day, at least). In any rate: I smell, drunk nothing but milk and fanta, and my clothes all are dirtier than a cheap whore. In other words, I'm like a typical student.
Oooh, again another thing happened between us and the Hollyoaks cast. This time a mate chatted up one of the extras. We're so D-List Celebs!
Every Silver Lining Has A Cloud
As mentioned on the last post,
Liverpool bowled against
UEA. To be honest, we were under-strength, so with the available bowlers we had, it was set about making the A and B teams the strongest, whilst making the C team weak.
I was in the C-Team...or as we got called...the "Sacrificial Virgins".
For those of you who don't know how bowling competitions go, here's the jist - you bowl 3 games. Should your team beat the opposing team in one of the games, you get a point. So 3 maximum. You get another point if you managed to get a higher total pinfall than your opponents. Should you draw on any of them, you get 0.5 each. So that's a maximum of 4 points you can win. Each university enters 4 teams - A, B, C, and a Ladies (ladies can enter the A-C team as well) - so that means 16 total points.
Get it? Got it? Good.
We got our arses kicked 14.5 - 1.5, but the most important thing was the 1.5 points scored. The weaker, "Sacrificial Virgins", team won them. My C team stopped UEA from bending us over a barrel and completely arse-screwing us.
Still, it was such a fun day out, plus I got plenty of exercise. Mum'd be pleased. In all serious, I was getting to the point I was getting a bit sick of bowling. Same every week. Yesterday was worth it.
I'm having a quiet night, sacrificing the chance to see Girls Aloud.....

I'm sure I'll live.